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Q: Can plants tolerate drinking water
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Can plants tolarate salt water?

Some plants, such as sea weed, can tolerate salt water. But some plants can not tolerate salt water. It varies depending upon the plant.

What is the correct name for engineering plants that distill seawater into drinking water?

Desalination plants convert sea water into drinking water by distillation.

Mangrove plants have root systems that include filters . What do the filters allow the plants to tolerate?

salt in the water

Mangrove plants have root systems that include filters What do the filters allow the plants to tolerate?

salt in the water

What do the filters allow the plants to tolerate?

Salt in the water ha studyisland cheater!

What effect does soda or sugar water have on the growth of plants?

it is to high for the plant to tolerate

What happens when you use drinking water for plants?

they drink

Instead of water can plants live off drinking soda?


What element is pumped into drinking water in treatment plants to kill harmful bacteria?

It's chlorine that kills the harmful bacteria in drinking water.

Compare the tolerance to lack of water needed by plants and animals in savannas and tropical rain forests?

Fish need water to survive and so do plants so either way they cant tolerate it.

How do you use water in a right way?

Drinking, washing, watering plants, swimming

Why cant we water our gardens with salty water?

The salt will kill all the plants and nothing will grow in that soil...ever again. Some plants "tolerate" some salt spray, but even those do better without it.