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Q: Can plastic dentures make you sick?
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Can your denture make you sick?

Most definitely dentures can and do make you sick. Especially if they don't fit well or maybe allergic to the chemicals in the dentures themselves. I know I can't wear mine over three hours or I will start to throw up. Don't know yet what is making me so sick but it is so intense the sickness....after they are out I feel all well again, so you tell me.

Is refilling a water bottle healthy?

no because plastic has chemicals and it can make you sick

Are affordable dentures more likely to break compared to more expensive dentures?

In some cases, affordable dentures can be more likely to break. The material they are made from has a lot to do with their durability. Plastic dentures (cheaper) can become brittle and are then more likely to break.

Why do people chew on plastic items?

Yup the perferated edges on the undigestable plastic can cut your intestine hence killin you

How do you make dentures shine?

Clean your teeth

Will eating plastic toys make my dog sick?

No. so long as the pieces it swalows arn't too sharp and hard,

doyou remove teeth and make dentures low income.?

do you remove teeth and put in dentures low income no insurance

Do you still make the liquid liners for dentures?

Yes they do

Do you make dentures both complete upper and lower in valplast/flexible?

can valplast be used for upper and lower complete sets of dentures

Where can I find a dentist who will take the time to make dentures look more natural?

Dentists do not make dentures but can advise you on ways to make them appear more natural. Talk to friends and family for recommendations and make an appointment for a consultation.

cost of dentures?

the cost of dentures COST OF DENTURES