

Can platypuses breathe under water

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Can platypuses breathe under water
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How long can platypuses hold there breathe under water?

I'm geussing about 20-25 minutes under water

Can the platypus breathe under water?

Platypuses cannot breathe underwater, just like mammals and dolphins can't. They tend to stay underwater for one to two minutes at a time, and can stay underwater as long as ten minutes, if left undisturbed.

How can platypuses breathe fire?

Platypuses do not breathe fire. They are normal, air-breathing mammals.

How do fish breathe under water?

They use their gills to breathe under water.

What is the length of time squirrels can breathe under water?

squirres can't breathe under water.

Do platypuses breathe through lungs?

Yes. Like all mammals, platypuses breathe using lungs. When they are hunting for food in creeks and rivers, they need to surface frequently to breathe.

How can mammal breath while they are under water?

They do not breathe underwater. They hold their breath under the water and surface to breathe.

How long can squirrels breathe under water?

Squirrels cannot breathe under water.

How do water scorpions breathe underwater?

Scorpions can breathe under water, False. Scorpions cannot breathe under water but they can however hold their breath for up to 6 days

Does a platypus breathe through gills?

No. Platypuses have lungs.

Can sea otters breathe under water?

Otters can't breathe under water. They're mammals, they breathe air, with lungs. When they dive, they hold their breath.

How are some spiders able to breathe under water?

it is no way they can breathe under water so shut up