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it is no way they can breathe under water so shut up

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Q: How are some spiders able to breathe under water?
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Why are you not able to breathe under water?

because humans do not have gills.

How has a spider adapted to its environments?

Because spiders breathe through spiracles on their abdomen, they are able to breathe in air and smoke as they do not have any lungs

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Well they are because it allows them to be able to breathe more constantly under water.

Can you breath under water with a bucket on your head?

If there is An Air bubble underneath water, yes you can breath

Why can't humans breathe when their lungs fill up with water?

Humans ARE able to breathe under water. It is just complicated that only the talented beings can perform.

How long can a funnel web spider stay under water?

Funnel web spiders can't jump, in fact they prefer to keep the eight legs firmly on the ground. And while the spiders can swim, they can only survive in swimming pools for a few hours. They're able to survive underwater because air is trapped by tiny hairs on their abdomen and they breathe though lungs located on the undersurface of the abdomen.

What is important for aquatic animals to be able to breathe in water?

so........ they will NOT die

How do little blue fairy penguins breathe underwater?

Adele penguins breathe air through avian air sacs which are similar to lungs in mammals. They are able to hold their breath for extended periods while diving under the water.

Why are fish only able to breathe in water and not in air?

Fish Can breathe out of water, they just dehydrate quickly and die.

Why are Fish able to breathe in water?

Because they Have Gills, and gills help them to breathe in the water. As water flows over the gills, a fine network of blood vessels can extract oxygen from the water, much like our lungs collect oxygen from the air when we breathe.

Do turtles breathe oxygen?

Turtles do indeed breath oxygen. They are able to hold their breath for extended periods while either hiding or search for food under water.

Why are fish only able to breathe in water?

fish do not have lungs, so they are unable to breathe air as humans and mammals etc. do