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The only alternative "when the law won't help" is to violate the law, so you should at least check with an attorney to find out how much time you're going to do for the crime.

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I think you mean "when law enforcement won't help." In that case, small court is the place to go.

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It depends on the country you're in ! In the UK, they can be present if an ex-partner requests they attend, while s/he collects personal stuff - however, they will only intervene if the other party becomes obstructive. They will only attend to prevent a 'breach of the peace' NOT to assist in the retrieval of personal belongings.

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no u cant u can get cctvNo you can not. Your personal belongings are your responsibility. You may be able to ask them to review the security footage to help you see who it was and con tact the police.

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No! that is a civil matter and the police can not enforce civil law, you must settle it in a court. The police, however, can stand by to keep the peace if the other party is willing to let you remove the property.

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I've never heard of such a thing. Hopefully, her brother told their parents and tried to get legal help.

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FX Restoration could help you collect your belongings from your wet basement. It is a reliable company in Chicago which can help for 24 hours 7 days a week.

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