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Q: Can prime rib be cooked ahead of time and reheated?
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How long can cooked duck remain unrefrigerated?

No more than 2 hours. At that time, it should be refrigerated or reheated.

How long can cooked fish sit out of the refrigerator before going bad?

Cooked fish should not stay at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Less time is better. At that point, it should be reheated or refrigerated.

Are reheated mushrooms dangerous to eat because they produce some sort of chemical or poison?

Mushrooms are no more dangerous to reheat than they are to eat the first time they are cooked.

Cooked chicken and dumplings are they safe to eat?

If it was cooked properly, was not contaminated, was stored properly, was reheated thoroughly and used within a reasonable length of time - it could be safe to eat.There are too many variables to give a definitive "Yes" or "No".

Cooked wings chicken how long at room temp?

Raw poultry should not sit out any longer than it takes to prep it for cooking.

What main dishes can be made ahead of time for a party?

Depends on party but stews, cooked meats, chicken dishes, lasagne beef or vegetarian.

At What temperature should foods be reheated?

As long as the food was cooked properly the first time and proper storage precautions were observed, then there is no set temperature that must be reached in order to safely reheat it. Warm to whichever temperature you desire in order to enjoy it.

Are smoked turkey legs already pre-cooked?

All smoked meats that are properly smoked are precooked. (But like any meat product that has been refrigerated for some time, should be reheated to at least 140 F to kill any virus or bacteria).

How do you cook a roast beef ahead of time?

Cook it until about 15 minutes before fully cooked. Refrigerate or freeze until required then finish off the 15 mintues in the oven. Or fully cook ahead of time and simply warm up in the oven until hot again ensuring that you have kept the juices produced the first cooking time round in order to baste the meat to save it drying out. Make sure meat is reheated to a hot temperature to avoid food poisoning.

Why are the time zones East of theprime meridian ahead of UT?

Since Earth rotates toward the east, time zones east of the prime meridian get the sun earlier in the day.

Is it safe to eat cooked seafood after it has been left out overnight?

No. Shrimp that has been left out overnight is not OK to eat.

When was Ahead of Time created?

Ahead of Time was created in 1953.