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It is possible. In a small number of cases, terminal cancer has been known to go into remission. I have met one such Survivor of Breast cancer who was told she had only months to live. She began doing every thing she could possibly find to fight the cancer, including but not limited to medical experimental drugs and treatments, and also some unorthodox eastern medicine treatments such as acupuncture. She also began to alkaline (make acidic) her body, using citric acid from lemons and other fruits. She had a positive outlook and believed she could defeat it, and did. This was ten years ago, and to date there is no trace of cancer left in her body.

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Q: Can prostate cancer go into remission?
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Related questions

How are the terms remission and recurrence related in regards to cancer?

Remission is when cancer signs disappear, Recurrence is the return of cancer after a remission.

Where can I learn about prostate health?

The Prostate Cancer Foundation, the U.S. Army's Prostate Cancer Research Program, the Institute for Prostate Cancer Research, the National Cancer Institute, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention all provide information on the latest research on prostate cancer.

What is the difference between deaths from lung cancer and deaths from prostate cancer?

lung cancer is in the lungs, prostate cancer is in the prostate.

Is there an effective herbal treatment to prostate cancer?

There are no herbal remedies that will cure prostate cancer. Many men have prostate cancer but die from some other cause, like old age. Prostate cancer is a slow growing cancer and your doctor may not even treat it. However, people do die from prostate cancer. Some cancers go undetected for long periods and are able to spread from the prostate into the surrounding area. These can be very dangerous.

What is remission meaning?

Cancer remission is often thought to mean that the cancer has been cured. However, this is not always true. There are different classifications of remission - complete and partial remission. Complete remission means that there are no signs or symptoms of cancer. This can mean the cancer has been cured, or cancer may still be present in the body. Partial remission refers to the point when few signs and symptoms of cancer remain, however there is a noticeable decrease of cancer cells.

What is the contact information for The Prostate Cancer Infolink?

The Prostate Cancer Infolink.

What different treatments are there to cure prostate cancer?

Procedures to treat prostate cancer and chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery. Surgery can include removal of cancer from the prostate, or removal of prostate gland.

When was Prostate Cancer Foundation created?

Prostate Cancer Foundation was created in 1993.

How can prostate cancer a ffect your penis?

Prostate cancer treatments will make you impotent.

Is musturbration causes prostate cancer in male?

Masterbation does not cause prostate cancer.

Is there a correlation between prostate cancer and prostate hypertrophy?

No. Someone having an enlarged prostate does not mean they will develop cancer.

Is it normal to have a PSA of 1.6 and have prostate cancer?

PSA is just one indicator of prostate cancer. It is possible to have prostate cancer and have a normal PSA reading.