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Yes. According to a recent meta-analysis of research since 1966 (in the European Union) it is possible to take psyllium husks regularly over an extended period of time.

This information comes from the German wikipedia website ( which is way more detailed than the English version.

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Q: Can psyllium husks be used for long periods of time without problems?
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Related questions

How do you ingest loose psyillum husks without chocking?

One should not attempt to eat loose psyllium husks. If psyllium is needed for fiber in the diet, one should purchase products containing psyllium, or mix the psyllium husks into the dough or batter for home-baked bread, muffins or cookies.

What are the health benefits of psyllium husks?

There are various health benefits of psyllium seed husks. Aside from constipation relief, psyllium seed husks are beneficial for lowering cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease, treating boils, and reducing pain from hemorrhoids.

What is Isabgol in English?

Psyllium seed husks

What do you call ispaghol in English?

psyllium seed husks

Where to buy Psyllium seed husks?

How many calories in 1 Tablespoon of psyllium husks?

18 calories in 1 tbsp of psyllium husk

Is psyllium a wheat product?

No- Psyllium is a member of the plant family Plantaginaceae. It is not related to wheat and does not contain gluten. Psyllium husks are from the outer coating of the psyllium seed, like the bran layer of grains.

What are psyllium husks made of that seem to help in digestion so much?

Psyllium husks are essentially cellulose. The characteristic that helps improve digestion is the hygroscopic nature of the seed husks that causes them to attract and hold water. Because they are literally fiber and indigestible, but hygroscopic, they help create regular GI movement, thus alleviating constipation, diarrhea, and IBS.

What is 'psyllium husks' when translated from English to Italian?

La fibra di psillio integratore alimentare per l'intestino

How many calories in psyllium husks?

1 tablespoon of psylliom husk (5grams) has 20 calories. out of those 5 grams of calories 4 grams are fiber.

How much fiber is in a single serving?

On its label, the Now Mega Pack Psyllium Husks product states it contains 10 grams of fiber per two tablespoon single serving size.

Treatment colon problem by herbs?

Try psyllium husks. I would recommend the powder. You mix it with a liquid (I recommend apple juice or rice/soy milk), stir, and chug. Don't hesitate, it begins to gel-up when mixed. Follow with a big glass of water. Try 1 teaspoon of psyllium, once a day, in the morning. Work up from there. Anther herb that may be good, depending on your condition, is Yarrow.