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Q: Can pulp stone cause pain or uncomfortable?
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What is a dental pulp stone?


What is the cause of colour of wood pulp?

Lignin (brown in color) causes color of wood pulp.

Site of blood vessels nerves and lymphatics?

pulp cavity or just pulp.

Can root canals cause swollen lymph glands in the neck?

Infections caused by decayed teeth and neucrotic tissue in the tooth cause the swollen lymph glands. Internal inflammation of the surround tissue will cause facial swelling which may last 7-10days.

What causes Pulp Stones in teeth?

Pulp stones are discrete calcifications and are amongst changes that include more diffuse pulp calcifications such as dystrophic calcification. Stones may exist freely within the pulp tissue or be attached to or embedded in dentine. Two types of calcified bodies in the dental pulp have been described: denticles possessing acentral cavity filled with epithelial remnants surrounded peripherally by odontoblasts, and pulp stones being compact degenerative masses of calcified tissues. Pulp stones have been noted in patients with systemic or genetic diseases such as dentine dysplasia, dentinogenesis imperfecta, cardiovascular disease and in certain syndromes such as Van der Woude syndrome. cause:The cause for formation of dental pulp stones may be interference in the blood and nutrition supply. But a recent study by U.S. researchers has found micro organisms called nanobacteria to be responsible for these pulp stones and also for calcified plaque in the arteries of the heart.

What is the Difference between paper pulp and wood pulp?

"Pulp wood" is the wood used for pulping. "Wood pulp" is pulp made from wood.

What is the differences between coronal pulp and radicular pulp?

coronal pulp is the part of pulp that resides in the crown portion of the tooth,i.e. above the cementoenamel junction and radicular pulp is the part of pulp in the root portion.

Orange juice pulp or no pulp best nutritional value?

pulp (fibre)

Is juice healthier with or without the pulp?

with pulp, because you also get the nutrients from the pulp

Is pulp an element?

No, pulp is not an element.

Why do you not feel pain until the decay is all the way through the pulp of the tooth?

The outer layers of the tooth do not contain nerve endings. So, it isn't until the decay gets deep enough into the tooth to effect the nerves inside the tooth's pulp that you feel anything.

Which is better pulp or no pulp?

The choice between pulp or no pulp in juice is purely subjective and depends on individual preference. Pulp adds fiber and texture to juice, while no pulp provides a smoother consistency. Ultimately, it comes down to personal taste.