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I have 2 toco toucans and 3 pygmy marmosets. I'm guessing from your question that you have neither, so I will tell you how mine interact outside of a cage environment. They frankly don't show any interest in eachother. I have a large outside aviary, 10' 10' 8', I have put them together and the marmosets stay away from the toucans. I strictly supervise them, because the toucans beaks are not "soft billed", that term referring to their diet of course. They could easily kill a marmoset if they felt their territory was being threatened. However, I aquired them all at roughly the same time and they are familiar and accustomed to eachother. The marmosets eat from the two food stands in the aviary when the toucans are not eating. The toucans each eat at seperate feeding areas because they are territorial over their food. They have not once attacked a marmoset while eating, but when they decide to eat food and a marmoset or two is eating, they generally leave the food their and scamper off, as opposed to taking the fruit with them. The distinctively different species have adapted to live together peacefully in captivity with a distinct heirarchy of toucan over marmoset.

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Q: Can pygmy marmoset and toucans live together?
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