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Yes, they can. A local science museum has about three of each in a tank. They eat the same things (worms and others), and other than fighting over the worms, they basically ignore each other.

Also my turtles don't bother each other they just sometimes look at each other and chase each other around, but my RES is bigger then my yellow bellied so she does this thing with her nails to tell him that shes the boss!! ;)

Bugzly12- hope this helps!

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Q: Can red ear silder turtles and yellow bellied turtles live together?
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Hi there, Most turtles are good together like mine, i have a RES and a yellow bellied slider and they are great together! Bugzly12 - hope you have a great time and hope you can answer some of my questions!! :)

Will 3 yellow bellied slider turtles survive a night in a bucket?

Probably not turtles are very independent

Can yellow bellied slider turtles and African side neck turtles co habitate?

No. I just buried my African Clawed Frog due to yellow bellied turtles attacking him.

Can yellow bellied turtles and African helmeted turtles live together?

Yes they can live together. Painted turtles and sliders can co-exist with each other. Just remember though with all turtle species, males tend to be more aggressive than females

How old do yellow bellied turtles mate?

Hi there!! Yellow bellied turtles usually mate when about 2-5 years old. If your turtles arnt mating its probably because their 1. Sick 2. same sex 3.just dont feel to I hope that this answer helps you!

Can you mix yellow bellied turtles with fish?

No, I tried with my goldfish and they definitely didn't get along.

Does that sliders turtles have red on its head?

The red eared slider does, but the yellow bellied slider does not.

Can male and female yellow bellied turtles share a tank?

Yes you could if they get along. Put them together and watch them if they don't fight each other than leave them their. That is if you don't mine have some baby turtles. Geckomaster

Are yellow bellied slider the same as yellow bellied turtles?

They are basically the same thing but yellow bellied sliders are more commonly said as the name of the turtle. Yes they are the same. Look it up, y do want to know, it doesn't make a difference, of how you say it they are the same thing.

You brought a turtle yellow bellied is it the same as a yellow bellied terrapin if not how can you tell the difference?

Both names refer to the same animal. In America terrapins, tortoises and turtles are all referred to as turtles. This has caused some confusion in the hobby and some pet/reptile shops here in the UK also call terrapins turtles. The peninsular cooter (also a terrapin) looks almost identical to the yellow bellied terrapin. Hope this helps.