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Yes. The Jesus Prayer is for everyone.

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Q: Can roman catholics say the Jesus prayer?
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What prayer do Catholics say each week to profess their faith?

The Nicene Creed

What is the prayer Jesus taught us all to say together?

the LORDS prayer

What is the difference between non catholics and catholis?

basically catholics believe in jesus. but there are also believers of jesus who are not catholics so we can only say that they are christians. those who do not believe in God is not a catholic.

Do all Catholics say the rosary?

The rosary is a much loved and venerated prayer among Catholics. But not all Catholics use this prayer. It is not considered "essential" to the Catholic faith. It is highly recommended, but not necessary. The Mass, for example, is absolutely necessary. The rosary is optional.

Who sings say a prayer for you on Christmas?

Jesus Christ also a vicar

Where did Jesus say the Lord's Prayer first?

Jesus first said the Lord's Prayer during his Sermon on the Mount, as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew.

What was jesus' s fifth prayer?

Jesus was praying all the time as he told us to do too. - (See 1 Thessalonians 5.i7) So no one can say anything about Jesus's fifth prayer.

When do Catholics say the Lord's Prayer?

== == Also said as penance after confession. During the Mass, during recitation of the rosary, during Stations of the Cross, and during personal prayer.

Where can you find the prayer for exorcism?


How many times did Jesus pray Before doing a miracle?

at most once sometimes none. for example for the roman centurion the centurion told jesus that he did not have to come to do the miracle the centurion needed, but just say it was done and it would be; because of jesus authority. no prayer said at all. the centurion had authority and recognized that jesus did too. jesus commented on this that he had not seen so much faith in any of the jews as he saw in that gentile roman centurion.

Why do Protestants say a longer Our Father than the Catholics?

Roman Catholic AnswerThere is a doxology that is added to the Our Father after the priest's concluding prayer in the Mass. Some Bible translations added that doxology as a "gloss" to the English translations of the Our Father in early protestant translations and they have used it as the ending of the prayer since then. It's kind of strange that they would adopt a liturgical prayer from the Mass as their own version of the Our Father, but there it is.

How did Jesus become human?

Catholics say that a miraculous, unexplainable process called the Incarnation put the physical baby Jesus in Saint Mary's womb.