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Yes, rust happens to iron nail though it is kept in distilled water.

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Q: Can rusting happens with iron nail when it is kept in distilled water?
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Can rusting of iron occur in distilled water?

Yes, rusting of iron occurs in distilled water. In fact, the rusting is faster since, the ionic content in distilled water is lesser.

Can rusting of iron occur in distelled water?

yes,rusting of iron can occur in distilled water.In fact it occur even very fast because ionic content in distilled water is very less.So,rusting of iron occur in distilled water.

Can rusting of iron take place in distilled water?

No,because distilled water has no salts

Can rusting of iron nail occur in distilled water justify your answer?

NO because distilled water contains no salts.

Can rusting take place in distilled water?

distilled water is pure and dosent have iron content in it so it dosent rusts

Is iron rust in distilled water?

Yes, provided there is oxygen dissolved, which will be the case if the distilled water is open to the air, a rusting reaction will take place. It will be slow. The reaction is much quicker when there are dissolved salts.

To show the rusting of iron?

Rusting of iron is an oxidation reaction in the presence of water.

What chemical property is responsible iron rusting?

Rusting of iron is caused by water in the presence of oxygen.

What is occurring during rusting iron?

Rusting needs iron, water and oxygen. Rusting is an example of an oxidation reaction. this is when oxygen is added to the substance. Rust flakes off the iron exposing more metal to corrode. Rusting happens faster when the water added is salty or acid rain. when cars rust they are usually scrapped because it makes iron weaker. iron + oxygen + water = (should be an arrow but dis shud doo) Hydrated iron (lll) oxide. hpe it was useful :)

Why is rusting of iron faster in rainy days?

rusting of iron is faster in rainy days because water is responsible for the rusting of iron i.e the presence of oxygen

Iron nail rust quicker in tap or distilled water?

If both t etap water and the distilled water are open to the air and both have dissolved oxygen then the iron nail will rust faster in tap water. Rusting requires dissolved oxygen and goes faster if there are dissolved salts.

What chemical change happens on an iron?

Rusting is the common chemical reaction for iron.