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no they can but humans can get sick with the poison

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Q: Can salamanders kill humans with poison?
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Can black salamanders kill you?

yes if it bites you the poison gets in your blood veins and kills you so be CAREFUL Alternate answer: Black salamanders secrete poison through their skin. While I don't know if it can kill you it is harmful and potentially dangerous to humans. If you touch a black salamander make sure that you wash your hands afterwards.

Poison salamanders found in west Virginia?

Poison Salamanders are very rare in West Virginia.So not really. There is not really any salamanders in that kind of state.

Do salamanders spit?

no they do not spit poison

What type of poisons are there that kill humans?

i think it is poison ivy

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The golden poison dart frog's poison is so poisonous it can kill 10 adult humans or 20,000 mice.

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Yes it can kill you if you consume too much of it.

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Is iodine poison to cats?

In large enough amounts, yes. It will kill humans as well.

How poisonous are salamanders?

The salamander secrets poison through its skin. When threatened, the secrets the defensive poisonous liquid which contains salamandrin and steroid alkaloids. The salamander cannot be dangerous for humans. But the (poision) can chage depending on some thing.

How do salamanders kill there prey?


Do humans attack salamanders?

"Attack" may not be the right word, but some humans will kill salamanders, mostly for food, sometimes for fun. Should you mean exactly the opposite of what you are asking: no, salamanders will not attack humans. The difference between almost all predators and the predator species called 'man' is that man will kill on many occasions indiscriminately and for fun, while all other predatory animals will kill for food, and only those species they recognize and have been programmed by nature to recognize as food. So, unless you are very small and disguised as an insect, you should be safe.

Does antifreeze kill chickens?

Yes. Anitfreeze can poison all kinds of animals, even humans.