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Yes, it is possible.

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Q: Can salt mouth rinse increase salt intake?
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Related questions

What do you do for swollen gums due to braces removal?

You can rinse out your mouth every night with salt water

How can you get rid of the white bumps on your tongue?

You can rinse your mouth with warm salt water or listerine (other mouth was doesn't work as well).

Why do you reduce salt?

Today it is considered that the recommended daily intake of salt is 5 g. It is supoosed that a greater intake can lead to an increase of the arterial pressure.

Why should you reduce salt in pizza?

Today it is considered that the recommended daily intake of salt is 5 g. It is supoosed that a greater intake can lead to an increase of the arterial pressure.

What to do after getting a tongue piercing for the first time?

Rinse with salt water and DILUTED mouth wash (non alcohol is best)

How to heal a cut on your gums?

Swich water with salt xont swallow

Will salt hurt you?

Eating too much salt is supposed to increase the blood pressure.

What is the best remedy for constant drainage down the throat?

A salt water mouth rinse and probably a visit to a dentist or ENT specialist.

How do you sterilize tougue rings?

Soak them in vodka or vinegar for a while, then rinse; clean out the mouth and piercing in the tongue at the same time by brushing thoroughly and rinsing thoroughly--if you rinse with warm salt water (don't swallow it), this will help control the bacteria level in the mouth as well.

Can you eat nachos with a brand new lip piercing?

Yes you can. But be sure to rinse your mouth out after because the left ove food could either irritate it or cause a nasty infection I ate doritos after my lip was pierced and the dude that did it said to rinse with salt water solution or alcohol free mouth was

Is there risks for tongue piercing and how big is the risk?

no if you get some good cleaning solution such as salt for oral piercings, rinse your mouth out with it after meals until the infection goes.

I have a toothache. I cannot bear the pain.Give suggestions?

First try over the counter pain medicine Rinse your mouth with warm Salt water Use a mouthwash