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The IUD is in the uterine cavity, which grows and sheds a lining. Scar tissue won't grow around the IUD any more than scar tissue grows around a pierced earring.

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Q: Can scar tissue grow around an IUD?
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Can you use the IUD if you had a c-section?

Yes, there are times when it is possible to have a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC). Women who have a low transverse scar from the previous C-section are eligible for VBAC. It can also depend on why the first c-section happened. If the mothers pelvis is small it may not be possible for VBAC, if the first baby didnt fit the second may not either. If the scar on the uterus is an up and down scar or vertical, a VBAC is not recommended due to the potential for uterine rupture. As the uterus grows during the pregnancy the body of the uterus gets thinner and may rupture with uterine contractions. This is not typically an issue with the low transverse uterine scar as that scar is thru a thicker portion of the uterus that does not thin out as much as the uterus grows during pregnancy.

Can a IUD be insurted right after giving birth?

No, an IUD can't be inserted right after birth, but can be inserted around the 6 week postpartum exam.

What is the differnec between a copper IUD and a multi load IUD?

A Multiload IUD is a copper IUD.

What IUD's are copper IUD's?

The ParaGard IUD is T shaped and it contains copper.

Can get trichomoniasis with iud?

You can get trichomoniasis regardless of whether you have an IUD. The IUD does not cause or prevent trich.

Had the IUD mirena for about 4 months your breast or really tender can you be pregnant?

IUD's are around 99+% effective against unintended pregnancies, thus the risk of pregnancy is increadibly low. Breast tenderness does not equate to pregnancy, it could be a reaction to hormones in the IUD or breast growth.

Can you get an infection after iud falls out?

You can get an infection with or without the IUD. Expulsion of an IUD doesn't increase the risk of infection.

Romoval of IUD pregnancy calculator?

How do you get your IUD removed

Where does an IUD go?

If the IUD is not in the uterus, it has likely fallen out.

Can you get an IUD if you have hpv?

Yes, you can certainly get an IUD if you have HPV.

What are contraindications for the copper t380a IUD but not the levonorgestrel-releasing IUD?

Allergy to copper or Wilson's disease are contraindications to the copper IUD that don't apply to the levonorgestrel IUD. In addition, severe anemia is a contraindication for the copper IUD, but may be an indication for the levonorgestrel IUD, particularly if the anemia is exacerbated by heavy periods.

Is it easy to get pregnant after IUD?

Fertility returns to your baseline after removal of the IUD. Whether it's easy to get pregnant after removal depends on your fertility, not the IUD.