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Q: Can sea salt lose it's smell or fragance?
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You can smell sea food and the sea salt from the Carribean sea.

What does brine smell like?

Brine is water that contains salt. If you are near the ocean, that is the smell of brine.

What is sea- smell?

Well, it depends on what you mean by sea-smell. If you mean the smell of the sea, then that would be hard to describe. It's a tangy sort of smell, similar to salty water. Just imagine water with salt, rotten seaweed, and the occasional dead animal stink in it.

Why is it not advisable to drink sea water?

The salt in the sea water will cause the water in your cells to leave. You will feel even more thirsty. You will try to lose more salt by urinating more and this adds to the problem.

What is the smell of the ocean?

The smell of sea grass smells like a barn full of hay and grass. It is a strong odor and is often hard to get rid of.

What is true about a ocean breeze?

it smell like sea salt and its my favorite smell but anyways its really what you think ? but it has a big breeze to it and its like california. if you have ever been there.. really windy :)

What can you smell in Costa Rica?

in Nicaragua there is many of volcanoes there and when you climb these volcanoes you may smell the sulfur gases. icuragua has many Delicious food's probably you will be able to smell these wonderful food smell.smell nature all the exotic places around thier and thats what you can smell in nicaragua!

Is seawater a mixture of compounds?

It would have to be considering that water is a compound of oxygen and hydrogen, and salt is a compound. Sea water is basically salt water.... you will know because when you go to the beach you can smell the salt and if you swallow the water it will burn your throat because of the salt.

Can sea salt lose its flavor?

Salt has its taste and holds its taste. It is a mineral that stays for ever. You can mix it with any thing, and even eat it. But in the end it comes out as the same salt taste as you remembered before.

What does Saltwater smell like?

well saltwater smells like chlorphine and is found in the most parts of the sea remember this is my opinion of salt water

What is difference between sea salt and regular salt?

Sea salt comes from the sea and tastes like sea water.

Is salt in the middle of the ocean?

Everywhere in saltwater there is salt, not just on beaches, and not just in the middle , but everywhere. Hence, the phrase, "can you smell the sea air". You will be able to say that phrase on a cruise ship or on the beach.