

Can seamonkeys hear

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: Can seamonkeys hear
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How big seamonkeys get?

Sorry, there is no such thing as seamonkeys.

Are seamonkeys real?

Sea Monkeys, a popular toy when I was younger, are actually just brine shrimp.

What are seamonkeys body parts called?

Leron Berry

Are seamonkeys real animals?

Seamonkeys are real living animals, they are very small animals classed as a fish. They do the 7 resorces, therefore they are real animals. Even though they are made from crystls they are still living animals

Are seamonkeys considered brine fish?

They aren't fish. They are brine shrimp. (shrimp = invertebrates)

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seamonkeys inveded earth with flying octopuses

What can you feed seamonkeys?

Seamonkeys don't need to eat the food that comes with them in the kit, they can be fed yeast, powdered algae, dried egg yolk powder. Big Al's Online has specific food for sea monkeys at, product #25500

What do you need to do as humans to solve global warming?

becaus if we don't we might aswell rapidly evolve into seamonkeys due to the rapid rise in sea levels

Can you put itsy bitsy seadragons in magic coral?

No I dont think so. But you can put them with real coral they are a lot more interesting than seamonkeys! I like how you get the little sea snails with them. Cool!

Does it matter how much water you put the seamonkeys in?

Yes, if you put too much water then it will take longer to evaporate, it will slosh out, or they will drown.

Do seamonkeys die after they mate?

Yes, sea monkeys are actually brine shrimp.

Can you get plankton at a pet store?

Well i have never seen one at petco... lol.... or petsmart for that matter... but I am sure you can find them somewhere. Have you heard about seamonkeys? Theyre cool too. Look 'em up!