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no it will just fry up... ie the sperm dies

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Q: Can semen left on your penis after intercorse have any side effects?
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Is it unhealthy if sperm comes out with urine?

If there is sperm or semen left in the penis or the vagina after sex it can wash out later with your urine. This is no problem at all and perfectly natural.

When using the pull out method and not washing the penis before penetration is there a chance of you being pregnant?

1/4 get pregnant using the pull out method because there is always pre-ejaculate. So yes, you can be. Washing the penis still means there can be semen left in the urethra or new is coming as pre-ejaculate. This is not a safe method.

Where on your penis do you put the cock ring?

On your penis

What is right testicle for?

same as the left, making sperm and semen

Does yanking your penis help its growth or should it just be left alone?

Yanking your penis will not help it grow.

Could you become pregnant with a condom left inside of you?

The semen can leak out when you try to get it out so yes you can.

Does the woman get pregnant if the man come outside?

yes, a man produces what is called pre-ejaculate constantly during sex. This has a small amount of sperm in it and can get a woman pregnant. the only way to avoid an unwanted pregnancy is to practice safe sex with approved contraception devices and prescriptions. This can also reduce the risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Is there still semen in the womans body after peeing?

Yes, these are completely separate chambers within the body. Semen (when deposited during sex) is not left anywhere near the bladder (which is where urine is stored).

What are semen stains?

Spots left on material by the products of male ejaculation. After someone has masturbated and successfully ejaculated, he may leave the semen in his underwear. This will cause a stain, known as a wank stain.

You are thirteen and your penis leans to the left Is this ok?

It's perfectly normal. Most men's penis leans to one side and/or is bent.

In a dance a girl grinds on your penis would you want your penis to go up straight or curve to the left when erected?

Doesn't matter. Most men have a curved penis more or less and the vagina is soft and adapts.

How much does bull sperm cost?

You get the sperm by the straw. And the amount per straw depends on the quality of the bull, how large the demand is for that bull as well as the breed of such a bull. Prices for semen straws can sky rocket if the bull dies and there is only a limited quantity of semen left. You will have to check your local bull semen distributor or any other cattle ranches that sell bull semen for their prices.