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Usually, no. Unless semen gets into the vagina, there's almost zero chance of pregnancy. However, it is wise to change clothes and wash them before wearing them again!

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Q: Can semen travel through clothes Dry humping?
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Can you get HIV from dry humping?

No. Aids is caused by the transmission of blood or semen from an infected individual and "dry humping" is by definition dry, with no fluid exchange.

What passes through the penis and opens to the outside?

Semen and urine travel through the urethra and out the penis.

Can you keep semen in the freezer for later use?

Yes but make sure it is warm and then if your have a sex toy with hole stick it in that and pump it in well it is humping

Can you get pregnant if a penis goes through your arse hole but you was wearing clothes?

NO you only get pregnant if the semen goes into the vagina. Anal sex wont do it.

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When is semen made?

I semen made through the day or only when a man is to reach orgasm?

What color is semen on clothes like white underwear?

All semen differs in color. It can have a yellow tint. The only true way is to get a test kit from a spy store.

Can someone that has not gone through puberty semen?

Yes before puberty you can produce semen. But this semen may not contain any fertile mature sperm.

Can THC be passed through semen?

no is this even a legitimate question : Yes it can be passed through semen. heavy use will be passed through semen into the uterus and you can come up positive in a drug screen!

Can you catch the flu through seamen?

It is not possible for you to catch the flu through semen.