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Yes because if they are not doing their job right you don't want them screwing up office for the next person that runs for office because that would ruin the experience for the next person so if they do something to get recalled heck ya i think that they should be recalled so they don't screw up this country any more then it is already screwed up =)

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Q: Can senators be in a recall election?
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How do you recall an elected official?

In some states, state legislators and other state or local elected officials may be removed from office before the expiration of their established terms not only by action of the legislature itself through an "Expulsion" (for executive officers through an "impeachment" and conviction by the legislature), but also by the voters through a "recall" election procedure. While an expulsion is an internal authority of legislative bodies incident to their general powers over their own proceedings and members, recall is a special process outside of the legislature itself, exercised by the people through a special election. What this means is that Senators or Representatives of Congress, as written in the Constitution, are able to use a process called "expulsion" to expel one of their members, usually requiring a 2/3 vote of the rest of the members. There is no provision in the Constitution for their constituents to remove them. The "recall" process is outside of the Constitution, and is the means by which the people can remove a member from Congress. The process requires a petition which has signatures of at least 25% of the original vote which the elected official had received. After this is obtained, a special election can be set up to select a different person for the office of the person to be removed. This is fully documented here: ---------------------------------------- States can only provide for the recall of state officials, not federal officials, such as Senators and Representatives. For a detailed discussion, see:

Is Montana a republican or democrat?

Montana is typically considered to be a Republican state. The last Democrat to carry the state in a presidential election was Bill Clinton in 1992. That being said, Montana currently has a Democratic governor and two Democratic senators.

Make up of the senate?

The Senate has exactly 100 senators. Two senators represent each state regardless of the size and population. Each senator must be at least 30 years of age, a citizen of the United States for at least 9 years, and living in the state you wish to represent. Each term consists of six years, but you can try for re-election as many times as you want.In the Senate, there is no limit on how long a senator can speak. Senators (like Kennedy Smith in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington) can speak for ask long as their legs can hold them. If they speak for excessive amounts of time, usually to delay or entirely prevent a bill from being voted on. Senators can cloture the filibuster with at least a three-fifths vote (at least 60 senators).

What part of speech is recall in?

The word 'recall' is a verb; it represents an action (the action of recalling something).

How many senators there are in LA?

there are no senators in LA. senators are for the State of California. people in the house of Representatives are for districts. but if you are talking about Louisiana there are two senators for the US Senate. In the state senate for Louisiana there are 38

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Federal income tax Direct election of senators Child labor laws Initiative Referendum and recall were enacted during which Era?

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Can a Barangay Captain in the Philippines be subject of a recall election.?

Yes, a Barangay Captain in the Philippines can be subject to a recall election. This can be initiated by a petition signed by at least 25% of the registered voters in the barangay. If the recall petition is successful, a recall election will be held to determine if the Barangay Captain should be removed from office.

An election used to remove an official from office?

recall election

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Secret ballots

How do you impeach governor Christie?

I am unsure of the impeachment option but voters of NJ can petition for recall.

The 17th Amendment changed the election of Senators from?

The 17th Amendment changed the election of Senators from state legislators. The 17th Amendment elects Senators by popular vote of the constituents.

What percentage of senators are made up for election?

U.S. Senators are elected for a six-year term. One third of the Senators are up for election every two years.

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Direct election of senators to Congress occurred because of the 17th constitutional amendment.

What is an election reform that enables voters to call for a special election?

This would be known as a recall

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Direct election of senators

Do you favor election of senators at large or by region?
