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If you mean out of water then no

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14y ago

Yes,yes they can

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Q: Can a shark survive anywhere else?
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What is the largest great white shark caught in the barrier reef?

9m. But the longest anywhere else is 12m

How much water does a shark need to live?

They need the oxygen in the water to survive like fish and every thing else.

How do aliens survive on planet mars?

We are not aware of any aliens on Mars or anywhere else.

Why does great white shark live in the ocean?

Because it is a salt-water fish- it cannot live anywhere else.

How do a whale shark survive?

they survive by protectimg themself.

How does shark gills help it survive?

it helps the shark breathe

What kind of shark can survive in freezing waters and is the northern most shark?

Greenland Shark

How does earth's extremophiles help scientist research possible extraterrestrial life forms?

Because if an extremophile can survive in such harsh conditions on Earth, why cant it survive anywhere else?

How does a great white shark survive in nature?

Its great white and a shark

Can a shark survive in a pool?

No, it can't survive in a pool, it needs room to swim. If a shark stops swimming it dies. But, it can survive in a big aquarium like in sea world.

Does a whale survive on shark meat?

no because whale is so not into shark meat

Can a man survive a shark bite?
