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Silica is most commonly found in nature as sand or quartz. As to stone age people, they are all dead. They only lived in the stone age. If you think you are one, then you need to seek professional help.

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Q: Can silicon dioxide be found in land or glass i just do know can anyone help out there please i need help on stonage is well but what do stonage people do these days are they still about or is it me?
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How did the stonage people find food?

They were farmers. And hunters and gathers

Why is it important to remove silicon dioxide as slag?

Most people prefer their steel not to have glass in it.

Who first realized that the world was full of music?

The people who came in this world 1st realized that the world is full of music, and the first people who came was the Stonage people.

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How many people work in the silicon valley

Is silicon a mixture element or compound?

Silicon is a element.! this is because anything from the periodic table is in fact elements! :)

How did silicon get its name?

Silicon Valley was the area of California in which the Computer Age began in America. It is the place where the majority of the US computer chips are designed and manufactured. The name Silicon comes from the element, which is used in computer chips as a semi-conductor. This means that it only lets current through in a single direction - key for nearly all circuitry in modern life.

How many people confuse silicon and silicone?

Impossible to say.

Can life be developed from silicon on another planet?

Some people do believe that life can be silicon based but so far its just a theory with no definite answer.

Why are silicon and oxygen the main elements in the Earth's crust?

To start off, Silicon and oxygen are among the most abundant elements in the universe: oxygen is the third most common element and silicon is the seventh. They readily combine to form silicon dioxide (silica), making it one of the most common solid materials in the universe. Additionally, silica is less dense than many other abundant substances within Earth. Therefore when Earth formed, the more silica-rich materials tended to float toward the surface.

How has silicon been important to human societies?

Silicon exists in sand and in glass. And since the development of electronic circuits, people have learned that silicon is also a semiconductor suitable for use in transistors that are used in many electronics today.

What role do carbon dioxide play in the carbon dioxide oxygen cycle?

animals and people breath out carbon dioxide and plants use carbon dioxide

Which element forms long chain alternating with oxygen?

Talk to whomever asked this question. Let them know that there is more than one element that does this.What most people think when they think of chains of atoms is carbon. But silicon also forms long chain molecules. This is not an obscure fact; it's very well known and the basis of products all around you, like hair conditioners and bathtub caulk.