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Yes...I got a gnarly sinus infection practically overnight, and I felt the pain in my jaw, on the same side that was the stuffiest. I went to the doctor and she pointed out that my face was actually swollen on the one side, and it was also hot and extremely tender to the touch. You may want to look into getting some antibiotics or nasal spray at the least.

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Q: Can sinus cause your jaw to hurt?
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What is the main cause of jaw pain?

Jaw pain could be a symptom of TMJ, fibromyalgia, arthritis, sinus infections, teeth grinding, swollen glands, or dental problems.

Why does my jaw hurt on the left side and my left ear keep popping as if there is water in it does anyone know why?

There could be many reasons why your jaw hurts and your ear pops on your left side. You could have a sinus blockage on your left side.

Can rotting teeth cause sinus infections?

Yes! Rotting teeth (specially the upper teeth) can cause sinus infections. The roots of upper teeth lie just below the sinus cavity. When once becomes infected it can cause abscesses in the sinus cavities.

Can a sinus infection or an earache cause the right side of your head to hurt or tingle?

Yes. If that's what's going on, see a doctor.

What if your left jaw hurt you cant eat it hurts if you chew with your right jaw and it?

well both jaw lines are conected together so if one siide of your jaw hurts bad then expect your other side to hurt also

Could sinus cause pain only when pressed 2 inches below eye on cheek but no other sinus problems?

Sinus that cause pain is called sinusitis. Normally it occur in the maxillary sinus (your cheekbone). there are many other sinus on the skull but this is the one that usually inflamed due to its opening which is higher up at the medial nasal turbine. * Sinuses aren't supposed to cause you pain, even when they're pressed on. If they hurt when you press on them (or worse) when you don't, it could be a sign that you're sick (and the sickness is more severe if you have the pain without pushing on the sinus area).

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Can a respiratory infection cause your teeth and gums to hurt?

Yes. Pressure can build up in the sinuses causing pain that can be felt as if it were in the jaw area.

Why does it hurt when I yawn?

It shouldn't, so the likely cause is TMJD (temporomandibular joint disorder), an inflammation of the jaw at its connection to the skull. This can have a number of causes.

Why would your forehead hurt when you touch it?

sounds like sinus pain. Try over the counter sinus med's and see your doctor.

Does sinus becomes a death cause?

In health, be sure you are talking about the correct "sinus" The heart has a sinus, so please be specific about which sinus you are referring to.

Can sinus pressure cause lack of sleep?

Yes, Chronic sinus can cause sleppiness at mid after noon. Especially If you have Sphenoid sinus infection, then you will get sleepiness at afternoon and tiredness.