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Q: Can small amounts of absorption take place in the mouth?
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Can small amounts of absorption can take place in the mouth?


Does water absorption takes place in the small intestine?

Water absorption takes place in both the small and large intestine's. Around 90% of water absorption takes place in the small intestines, equally between all three sections. The remainder of the water absorption to produce "formed" faeces takes place in the large intestines.

Do you breathe out small amounts of oxygen?

Yes, otherwise how would mouth to mouth work.

Can alcohol go straight to the blood stream through your mouth or stomach?

Small amounts of alcohol can indeed pass directly into the bloodstream from the mouth or stomach. Most alcohol passes into the bloodstream through the liver though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alcohol is absorbed from the stomach and small intestine by diffusion. Most absorption occurs from the small intestine due to its large surface area and rich blood supply

Where does absorption of amino acids and simple sugars take place?

The absorption for any nutrient occurs in the small intestine

Where does most chemical digestion take place and nutrients are absorbed into the blood?

chemical digestion takes place in the small intestine large intestine,mouth and stomach. Nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine and minerals in the large intestine.

The greatest amount of absorption in the small intestine takes place in the?

Actually the Complete Absorption takes Place in the small intestine .It contains Finger likeprojections called Micro villi these run through the small intestine which increases thesurface area for absorption.

What is primary absorption?

If your asking about primary absorption in digestion and the absorption of nutrients into the body, then primary absorption is the first (primary) place in the body where nutrients are absorbed. In humans this takes place in the small intestines after the food has been broken down in the stomach and passed on to the small intestine.

Where does most digestion and absorption take place where?

small intestines

Where does most of the absorption of nutrients occur?

small intestine

What are the functions of the major organs in the ailmentary canal?

Ingestion (mouth) Digestion (mouth, stomach, small intestine, liver/gallbladder) Absorption (small intestine) Elimination (large intestine)

Can you know how the ionic absorption takes place?

yes, you can because during ionic absorption it causes gas in your abdonminal area. The absorption of minerals normally takes place in the small intestines.