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Q: Can small snails found in koi ponds cause bilharzia?
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What are ponds snails enemies?

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Where are snails known to live?

Snails are found in the sea near sandy beaches , on land , where they live in the soil, on the ground , trees and plants and they also live in lakes and ponds , where they feed of algae and other plants under water.

Are snails a problem in koi ponds?

There are beneficial snails and problem snails. Good snails would be welcomed in a pond setting as they would help control algae growth. Problematic snails over populate their habitats.

What kind of places to snails live in?

they like to live in gardens, ponds,and oceans. and moist places

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the golden fish found in ponds is a golden orf

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Where are ponds found?

Ponds are typically found in wetlands and forests. This is because the climate is not too hot to dry them up.

Monera Kingdom where are they found?

mainly ponds mainly ponds

Do triops live in lakes or ponds?

They are normally found in freshwater ponds and pools.

How do you get garden snails without buying them at a store?

Due to industrialization it becomes more difficult to find garden snails, but you can find them at riverbeds or ponds at countrysides. Another answer: in my experience, garden snails find you, and the problem is getting rid of them! Hostas and petunias seem to attract them.

Where can you find a snai?

Where can't you find snails? You can find snails just about anywhere-- in forests and fields, backyards and public parks, in ponds and lakes, bays and inlets, on the tops of mountains and at the bottom of the sea. They can be found on every continent, with the exception of Antarctica. David George Grodon, author of The Secret World of Slugs and Snails: Life in the Very Slow Lane (c. 2010, Sasquatch Books, Seattle)