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A dentist told me that 90% of people inherit their small teeth and that 10% of people have the condition because they did not drink enough milk from the ages of 5 to 7.

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Q: Can small teeth be hereditary
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Is bad teeth hereditary?

Yes, gaps can be hereditary. They can also be caused by several other things. But definitely are hereditary also.

Can straight teeth be hereditary?

Yes, it is possible for straight teeth to be a part of one's genetic makeup, as can crooked teeth.

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You cannot make your dog's teeth bigger. That is a hereditary trait that it is born with.

Can cavity be hereditary from parents?

You can inherit softer teeth, more prone to cavities, but can take care to not get any.

How much to have a rabbits teeth extracted?

Clipping or filing teeth is a better solution but do not use this rabbit in any breeding program. This is a hereditary trait and a VERY bad one at that. If you extact the teeth the bunny will not be able to eat.

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not sure if it is hereditary but yes you can be born with it, it is dangerous in small children and left untreated can cause death

Why do homo erectus have large teeth?

no it had small teeth.

Why does your cat have such small front teeth?

A cat could have small front teeth due to still having its baby teeth. Cats lose teeth and regrown their adult teeth just like humans.

What can be done with the small cracks in my teeth?

Small cracks in the teeth can be treated by filling them with a plastic resin by a dentist.

How do you tell big teeth and small teeth apart?

big teeth have little bumps at the top and small may be straight but not completly and tell by the size

Is it better to have big or small teeth?

Big.. Personally, i like big teeth better than small. Not HUGE teeth, but having big teeth makes u have a better smile:)

Are giraffes teeth big or small?

their teeth are a good size. not too big, not too small. they are medium size