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Yes. It also causes death

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Q: Can smoking cause cavities
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What is the substance in smoking fumes that creates cavities?

The substance in smoking fumes that creates cavities is nicotine. Nicotine does not only lead to cavities, but it also can lead to mouth cancer as well.

Can milk cause cavities?

yes milk can cause cavities. even if you don't have cavities when your younger you will have them when you older or you will lose your teeth.

Does lolipop and chocolate only cause cavities?

No, Lollipops and Chocolate are not the only causes of cavities. Anything that contains high amounts of sugar can cause dental caries (cavities).

Does smoking marijuana prevent cavities?

Cigarettes don't really cause cavities if you have healthy teeth, but they can certainly speed up the process of getting one because the nicotine is absorbed in your mouth through the smoke while you are inhaling, whether or not you "direct inhale". Proof: The yellow and brown nicotine stains that are dominant in people who have smoked for a long time, and personal experience.

Why does soda cause cavities?

Because it has suger in it

Does natural sugar cause cavities?


Can acid reflux cause cavities?


Are there any type of chocolates that will not cause cavities?

There are no known types of chocolate that will not cause cavities as basically all kinds of chocolates are made the same way . Brushing and flossing are really the only ways to avoid cavities .

Does cpap use cause tooth cavities?

No. You are just breathing room air, the same as when you are sleeping without a CPAP.

What types of food promotes the formation of dental cavities?

It is suggested that sugary or acidic foods cause cavities in teeth

What are the injuries cavities cause?

The cavity could expose the nerve, and cause toothache.

Can giving you horse sugary treat and cause cavities?

Yes, too many sugary treats can and will give your horse cavities.