

Can snails eat cuttlefish

Updated: 10/20/2022
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12y ago

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Yes snails can eat a lot of stuff including veggies and milk but most importantly cuddle fish

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Q: Can snails eat cuttlefish
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How do cuttlefish protect themselves?

camoflage (it changes colour like some other cephalopods( octopuses and squids)) and its bone ( although budgies and giant african land snails normally eat shop bought cuttlefish bones.)

Why is your giant African land snail eating his shell?

Because it isn't getting enough Calcium in it's diet. Calcium is essential for health and shell growth and when the Calcium supply is low, they eat their own shells to get it. Snails need Calcium, and a great source is cuttlefish - a cheap source available at most pet shops. They will 'rasp' and eat the cuttlefish happily, but don't collect cuttlefish from the beach as this contains a lot of salt (very bad for snails!)

Do tuna eat cuttlefish?

Yes, tuna fish do eat cuttlefish.

What are some examples of mollusk?

Snails, Slugs, Octopus, Cuttlefish, Oysters, Clams, and Squids.

What are the predators of cuttlefish?

Cuttlefishes primary predators are large fish like sharks, monkfish, swordfish. yeah i think dolphins and Narwhal eat them but strangely only the head!

Is cuttlefish a fish?

Cuttlefish is not a fish! It has no vertebrae and belongs to the class cephalopoda along with octopi and squid. As molluscs, they are more closely related to slugs and snails.

Is a cuttlefish a fish?

Cuttlefish is not a fish! It has no vertebrae and belongs to the class cephalopoda along with octopi and squid. As molluscs, they are more closely related to slugs and snails.

What type of fish is a cuttlefish?

A cuttlefish is not a fish at all but a marine invertebrate. Cuttlefish are molluscs in the class cephalopoda along with octopi and squid. Molluscs also include bivalves (clams, oysters and mussels) and gastropods (snails and slugs).

Can you eat cuttlefish?

Cuttlefish are voracious predators that are thought to be able to work in groups to hunt. They feed on fish, mollusks and arthropods. Phytoplankton is not all that hard to hunt. You just need something to filter it out.

What kind of fish do cuttlefish eat?

The cuttlefish eats tiny fishes, and squids.

What kinds of fish eat cuttlefish?

The cuttlefish eats tiny fishes, and squids.