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yes you can but a much easier way is to have a nice picnic then accidentally walk in to traffic and get hit by a car that way no one will blame you and you can get paid via lawsuit I've done it twice now it's great

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Q: Can socking yourself in the stomach cause a miscarriage?
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Can constant pressure on the stomach cause miscarriage at 6 months?

No, the fetus is safe inside.

Can a hit to the stomach cause a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy?

if you did well than yes

Miscarriage due to abdominal trauma?

Yes, you can miscarriage due to trauma but it has to be a significant amount and will harm the mother. There is an old wives tale that a punch in the stomach will cause a miscarriage, it is not accurate.

If a baby is in your stomach can you not have the baby?

yes and no cause if you have a miscarriage then you don't but otherwise no not possible!! A baby is never in the stomach. It is in the uterus and that makes the belly protrude. The stomach is full of stomach acid.

Can a small kick in the stomach at 6 weeks cause miscarriage?

The embryo is very well protected in there so I doubt it.

Can yoga cause a miscarriage?

Yoga doesn't cause miscarriages, however if you are pregnant, practicing yoga and worry it might cause you a miscarriage, my advice is always: DON'T PRACTICE. While it may be illogical that you think that, if you do think yoga increases your risk, then if you have a miscarriage you may blame yourself and your practice.

Does laying on your stomach when you are 4 months cause a miscarriage?

No, laying on your stomach isn't harmful to the baby. He/ she is well protected in there and in time you will stop anyway because it wont be comfortable.

You have just had heavy bleeding unexpectadly and know it is not a period could this be miscarriage although i did not know i was pregnant?

yes and no some times your stomach makes a baby sack in your stomach and there is no baby in it and than yoursystem cleans it out and sometimes it can be a miscarriage. PS did you have sex with or with out a condom cuz that can be a cause ,too

Can a miscarriage cause vaginal irritation?

A miscarriage may cause vaginal irritation.

Can physical activity cause a miscarriage?

No, normal physical activity does not cause miscarriage.

What household preparations can cause miscarriage?

Nothing. It is both illegal and highly dangerous to attempt to give yourself a miscarriage. Anything you do use is more likely to make you very ill before it aborts the baby.

Can the smell of cat litter cause a miscarriage?

No, the smell of cat litter cannot cause a miscarriage.