

Can soil be recycled

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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yes faggets

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Q: Can soil be recycled
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Related questions

How are soil renewed and water recycled?

Yesjust put it back

How is garden waste recycled?

Garden waste is usually composted and then added to the soil.

What do you call the part of soil that is recycled dead plants and animals?


How is nitrogen recycled in the environment?

the nitrogen cycle is the pathway that nitrogen follows through an ecosystem. or something with decaying animals putting nutrients back into the soil.

How is soil recycled?

just put it back where you got it my dear unless you did something to it then do not put it back

How is animals recycled?

Their bodies decay, and are also eaten by other animals, which in turn poop the nutrients into the soil.

What is composite manure?

Composit manure refers to the organic matter that has been recycled and decomposed as soil amendment and fertilizer.

Why is the Amazon rainforest got fragile soil?

because as organic material decays, it is recycled so fast that few nutrients ever actually reach the soil, leaving it almost sterile.

How is feces recycled?

Fecal matter can be allowed to compost and turn into soil. Or if it is manure (cow feces), it can be applied directly to crops.

How are nutrients recycled in an ecosystem?

Nutrients are found in the air, water and soil. :D

How are dead organisms recycled in the ecosystem?

decompose rs eat up the dead orgasms and give the nutrients to soil

What decomposers live in the estuary of a river?

There are many decomposers in the estuaries of rivers. The majority of these are different types of bacteria and fungi. They enrich the water and soil with recycled organic matter.