

Can some pesticide turn male frogs into female frogs?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Yes. They can even lay eggs and mate.

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Q: Can some pesticide turn male frogs into female frogs?
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Is there more female frogs then male frogs?

In nature, there usually are some more males than females, I think there is no difference in frogs, but it may depend on the species and population of frogs.

Can frogs change gender?

Some frogs, such as the African Reed Frog have been found to change gender, from female to male, when in environments low in male population. There is no evidence currently that the majority of frog species are capable of this change.

Who has a louder voice of a frog a female or a male?

a male because it uses its voice to atract women but some different types of frogs female would be louder

Can frogs be any sex they choose?

No. Some true toads (Bufonidae) can change from a male to a female, but only in special circumstances.

How can a male frog form a female frog?

Some species of frogs can "reverse sex", in the absence of mating partners in a population.

Can we know a frog female or male by looking color?

For some frogs you can tell by color but most of the time it is by the size of their back feet.

Is a frog an asexual?

There are male and female frogs but some are hemafrodites, they change sex. The reason to change could be environmental factors or something else.

What Behavior is a reproductive adaptation in some animals?

If you are talking about how do they find a mate. Well, male gorillas beat on there chests, and frogs swell up there bodies. If wolves see a male courting a female they fight, so they will in hpes when the female.

During one mating of frogs the female lays some 200 to 3000 eggs in water as the male sheds millions of sperm over them?

it loves me

What do frogs do and why?

Frogs eat the flies and insects that fly around your plants and they hop around places and breed so if you want a frog family gets some frogspawn (eggs of frogs) or 2 frogs to make frogspawn (male and female) Your good friend: Si si xx

Which is smaller male or female frog?

It depends on the species. Usually the sex that assumes responsibility for the eggs/young is the larger. In most species of frogs neither sex cares for the young and they are pretty much the same size. Some female frogs carry the tadpoles around with them and are therefore the larger sex. And then with some other frogs it is the males that assumes the responsibility and is likewise the larger.

How do male and female frogs differ?

Boy frogs have a black, feltlike substance on the inside of their front legs. Girl frogs do not have the black substance, but have a triangle, almost like a tail in between their back legs. Male frogs have enlarged "thumbs" on their front feet. These are grippers used to grasp the female during mating.Females are larger and makes also have almost like a 6th toe on their back feet. It's for holding onto the females during mating.The females are big but the males croakThe ears, or tympanic membrane (the circle "thingy" right behind the eyes) in males is larger than his eye. In females, the tympanic membrane is smaller than the eye.There is no easy rule to determine whether a frog is male or female. In some species the male is larger; in other species the female is larger. In many species, only the male makes the sound. Males are always the ones with the sac beneath their throat that inflates as they make their sounds.The way to tell the difference between a male frog and a female frog varies between species. For instance, in some frogs (like wood frogs), Males have enlarged, dark, rough pads on their thumbs that they used to grasp female frogs. Females do not have these patches on their thumbs. In other species of frog, the differences may be more subtle. For instance, male pacific chorus frogs have darkened, loose skin around their throats to allow the skin to expand when they call. Females have plain white skin.Often, many of these differences between male and female frogs only appear during the breeding season.