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Many people have become obsessed with the idea and tried to be/pretended to be "vampires", and several serial killers have fit into that category. But they still have a reflection in any mirror.

The classic "vampire" is a fictional construct invented by novelist Bram Stoker. So the bottom line answer is "no".

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Q: Can someone actually be a Vampire?
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How do you make someone a vampire?

A vampire has to bite someone to make them a vampire. Then the vampire must feed the victim some of his own blood.

When was the last time someone saw a vampire?

It is actually impossible to know the last time someone saw a vampire as many people may not choose to report them. Even then there may not be any official reports of vampire sightings as they are mythological creatures with very little to no evidence of their physical existence, and as such, authorities may not choose to officially file them.

What if you tell someone you are a vampire?

Dood seriously, why would you want to tell someone your a vampire, It's ridiculous, they won't belive you. no one would. It's crazy talk! Actually, they would probuly run away screaming their heads off, call the police, and you would die.

How do you change your vampire's name on vampire wars?

i don't think you actually can change your vampires name on vampire wars.

Can people actually be turned into a vampire?

It has not yet been proven if a human can be turned into a vampire.

What to do if someone has been attacked by a vampire?

According to the books, if someone is bit, a vampire can suck back out the venom, but it's highly difficult to do.

Is there a vampire book for teens other than twilight and vampire journals where someone is bitten and turned?

There is -The Vampire Diaries -Vampire Academy Just google it.

When a vampire bites someone does the person turn into a vampire?

Yes because the curse goes into you.

Is there any prof of a sparkly vampire?

actually no there is none, twilight is a HUGE fake LIE nothing in there is true how do i know cause i actually saw a vampire

Can a psychic vampire turn someone else?

In order to turn someone a vampire must effect saliva transfer. As a psychic vampire has no need to do this the effect of his psychic-feeding would not result in the creation of another vampire. If however a psychic vampire were to resort to the usual means of feeding then yes, he could turn a victim into a vampire.

Who is the cutest vampire girls?

Lol me of course x} I actually went on a website that told you how to tell if you're a vampire and I was a vampire. Theyreally do exist.

What is a half dhampir half human called?

I don't believe there's actually a word for it. It'll mean someone with 1/4 of vampire in them and probably really pale.