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No, you can not be both a Catholic and a Lutheran. Confirmation is when YOU confirm that you want to be a member of that particular religion as opposed to Baptism when your parents made that decision.

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Q: Can someone be confirmed both Catholic and Lutheran?
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What was the treaty that allowed both catholic and Lutheran in Germany?

Peace of Augsburg

In what city was a treaty signed allowing both roman catholic and lutheran churches in Germany?

The Peace of Westphalia was signed at Muenster.

How is a Lutheran service like a catholic mass?

A Lutheran service is like a Catholic mass because they both take communion and have the option to drink from the mass. Also, they receive sacraments, in other words.

Should a Catholic take Communion at a Lutheran Mass?

No, to receive communion in a Lutheran church would constitute an acceptance of the Lutheran theology and one can not be both Lutheran and Catholic.AnswerActually, Lutheran churches offer an "open table" to all believers in Jesus Christ. It does not constitute an acceptance of the denomination, rather a belief in Christianity. I do not believe that this is a hard and fast rule any longer for Catholics, but every man has to go with his conscience.

Can a confirmed Episcopalian convert to the Catholic Church without having to be confirmed again?

Yes. While the catholic church recognizes the Baptism as valid it does not recognize the Confirmation as valid, since it requires administration by a priest having received the valid sacrament of holy orders. While the Catholic Church and Episcopal Church are close in tradition and both have seven sacraments, only Baptism is considered as valid.

When you get married in the Catholic church do you best man and maid of honor have to both be Catholics?

No. The bride and the groom don't even have to be Catholic as long as the agree to raise their children in the Catholic church. When my grandpa got remarried after his wife died, the woman he married was Lutheran and they were married in the Catholic church.

What is one thing that Lutheran Calvinist and Anglican Churches had in common?

They both sprang from the Catholic Church but didn't accept the Pope as infallible. They allowed their ministers to marry.

What is the difference between episcapalion and catholic?

Both churches and the Lutheran Church are "non reformed churches". They did not eliminate the rites of the Roman Catholic Church during the reformation. The Lutheran and Episcopal Churches are Protestant churches. The Lutheran church was founder by Martin Luther when he broke away from the Catholic Church and the Episcopalian church was formed when King Henry the eighth of England broke away from the Catholic Church and the Pope. He later took over all the churches and destroyed many of them. As a side note, all Christians were Roman Catholic until the 15th century.

As a result of their dissatisfaction with the Catholic Church both Martin Luther and Henry VIII .?

They started a new Church: Luther's came to be named the Lutheran Church, Henry's was called the Church of England.

Can a Lutheran wedding be blessed by the Catholic Church?

The Catholic Church can and does perform marriages for a Catholic and a non-Catholic (mixed marriages). Generally, Lutheran weddings are left to be performed by Lutheran pastors, though..Catholic AnswerI think what you are asking is can a wedding that took place in a Lutheran Church be blessed by a priest in the Catholic Church. I teach in the RCIA and we have many people coming into the Church whose marriages are in questionable circumstances - as far as the Church is concerned. Marriage is a sacrament, and can only be validly celebrated by two baptized individuals of the opposite sex who are both eligible to marry. A Lutheran wedding between two baptized protestants would be a valid marriage. When someone is converting to the Catholic Church and already married, in whatever circumstances, in most cases, they must be married again before a priest to validly enact the sacrament. Lay folk often refer to this a having the "marriage blessed by a priest" (or the Catholic Church).

How is the Lutheran church the same as the Catholic Church?

.Catholic AnswerThere are some superficial similarities on the outside due to the fact that Martin Luther started his career as an Augustinian Friary, but little to nothing beyond that. They both profess the Creeds, they both practice baptism of infants, beyond that the Lutherans remain basically a protestant communion.

What are the similarties between Catholics and Lutherans?

The namesake of the Lutheran Church is Martin Luther, a Roman Catholic monk who lived in Germany in the medieval era. He questioned Church authority on a few matters during his day which became the dividing factors between the two Churches. The Roman Catholic Church and the Lutheran Church have many similarities. Both are theologically sacramentarian, both are historic and liturgical Churches (follow the order of the mass and the liturgical calendar), and both have episcopal forms of Church governance (while the Lutheran Church employs some congregational polity.) The Lutheran reformation, along with the Anglican reformation, was a "conservative reformation" unlike the Reformed movement, which is why the Lutheran and Anglican/Episcopal Churches more closely resemble the Roman Catholic Church, in belief and practice, than they do protestant Churches. Some Lutherans do not believe that the term "protestant" appropriately describes the Lutheran Church, due to implied associations with the Reformed and "Evangelical" Churches. While the Lutheran Church is not Roman Catholic, it is catholic. Some high church jurisdictions go by the label "Evangelical Catholic." The cardinal doctrine of the Lutheran Church is that salvation is by the grace of God alone and that man can do nothing to save himself by his own works; and that good works are the fruits of salvation, not a means to attaining it. Faith is the vehicle of that grace and is awarded as a grace from God himself. Thus, the mantra of Lutheran theology that the means of salvation is: "Sola gratia. Sola fide." (Latin for "only by grace through faith.") In 1999, the Lutheran World Federation and representatives of the Roman Catholic Church officially signed a joint declaration stating, "By grace alone, in faith in Christ's saving work and not because of any merit on our part, we are accepted by God and receive the Holy Spirit, who renews our hearts while equipping us and calling us to good works." The Lutheran and Roman Catholic Churches continue ecumenical dialogues, but have been unable to totally agree on some matters of faith. Despite those theological differences, the two Churches continue to work together on charitable and humanitarian efforts throughout the world.