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Q: Can someone be sued for trying to change who someone else is?
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Can people get sued for posting a true statement of Facebook about someone else?


What would happen if a person sells music created by someone else?

be sued in court for copyright infringement

Can my band be sued?

That depends on what your band has done. If you've done a cover of a song, you can't be sued aslong as you credit it to the original artists. If you've called your band the same name as someone else's band then you could be sued if they find out. If you've hit someone over the head with a can of dry ice, then you can also be sued, or even prosecuted.

If I was to get to accident and someone else's car and I was being sued and I do a bankruptcy who will be liable?

Bankruptcy is altogether different than criminal settlements

Can you sue someone who's cat bit you while you was helping her catch it?

no way! youare trying to help her catch it, not help get her sued.

Can you put an item someone else is selling on your own website If so how do you do it?

No you can't. It would be like stealing if you think about it. Plus, you can get sued!!!

What are good semaritan laws?

This kind of law protects you from being sued if you hurts someone or damage something while trying to save a persons life.

If someone is sued but no longer works for the company can the person still be sued?


If your name is on a contract and you didn't sign it can you be sued?

If you didn't sign the contract then you are not bound by the terms. You can't be sued for breaching a contract you didn't sign unless you authorized someone else to sign on your behalf such as an attorney-in-fact or authorized agent.

What is torts liability?

A type of insurance coverage that provides remedies for persons sued for damages when they injure or kill someone else through their own negligence.

Is it copying materials illegal?

Yes, copying materials is illegal. It is considered stealing because someone else created the information. Claiming it as your own means you can be sued.

Can you get sued for using someones beat for a song?

Yes. It doesn't matter if you make money off of it or not. If you use someone else's music without their permission it is ILLEGAL.