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Q: Can someone br terminated from job through a certified letter?
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Can a certified or registered letter be taped to your door never going through the postal system?

Someone could certainly tape a letter to your door but it would not be certified or registered as it did not go through the postal system

Does it mean you're in trouble when someone sends you a certified letter?

No. I mean it could. All a certified letter means is that who ever is sending it to you wants to make sure you get it.

Is it legal to fire someone through the mail?

Sending a letter of termination is legal. Though this is only a professional method after being terminated in person. The letter is to support their reasons and for them to have proof that the termination happened on a certain,time,and for whatever specific reason

Why does the letter need to be certified?

A letter should be sent "certified" to record that you actually made an attempt to contact someone at that listed address. It also guarantees someone received the letter sent. In the Medical field, where liability is of great concern, sending a certified letter shows as proof, that you made an attempt on X date, to contact X person specified, and that X person received the letter. This way, if anyone asks HOW you can prove you contacted the person, you have a receipt showing the proof.

What is the purpose of certified letter?

The purpose of sending a letter by certified mail is to have proof the letter was sent and received.

Another word for finished 3rd letter is r and the 5th letter is I?


Can a landlord send out a certified letter then sign for it?

No. If the landlord is sending a certified letter for specific person than only that specific person or authorized representative, such as someone living in the same household, may sign for that letter. If it is sent out then signed by the same person this could be a federal offense.

Who sends certified mail?

People who send money through the mail usually send it certified. Also the courts will send out things certified, such as jury duty notices.

What is certified mail used for?

Certified mail is mail that is designed to ensure it gets to its proper recipient. Generally when someone sends a certified letter, he wants to ensure that it gets to the recipient and a receipt signed by the recipient at the time the letter was delivered is sent back to the sender, giving the sender a record that such mail has been delivered.

If you submit a two week notice on Thursday and the following Monday the employer gives you a letter stating your employment has been terminated did you resign or was your employment terminated?

You resigned before they terminated you, so you quit. You resigned before they terminated you, so you quit.

What is the best way to type a certified letter?

For clarification, you don't type a certified letter. A letter becomes certified when you send it by USPS certified mail. This is a great way to send important documents, legal paperwork and so on, as it provides a paper trail showing when a letter was sent and when it was received.

Can you find out what a certified letter is about if you have the article number?

The article number is 7011157000006916 last four is 9775 certified letter