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No, since it is against the Jagex rules of play.

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12y ago

Use this private server used by many mods and high levels. This one is kept reasonably quiet since it is the only free one of its kind.

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Q: Can someone give you a high lvl runescape or one with member stuff?
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Can someone give a RuneScape account to ME?

No. This is against RuneScape's rules.

Can someone give you a RuneScape account for free?

No, that is against the RuneScape rules.

Do you have a high level Runescape account to give out?

No one can give Runescape accounts to someone else. It is against the rules.

Can someone give you a runescape membership for free?

They can but it is very unlikely that they will.

Can someone give you a free high level runescape account?

sorry, but it is against the Jagex rules of play to give away Runescape Accounts.

Can you give your Runescape member password M E wont hack it?

Looky here questioner, It is against the rules of runescape to give away your password so please do not ask for anyones password because they will most likely not give you it. Also if you want a runescape member password make your own account then buy a membership, Vola! You have a member password and account so you will not need to ask for any.

Do you lose your member stuff if your membership expires in runescape?

You don't lose your members items. However, if your bank has more than 68 items in it you will not be able to store anything. If you unequip a member's object you cannot re equip it until you are back on a member's world, and all member's arms and armor will not give any bonuses.

Can someone give moi a lvl 100 plus on runescape please?


Can i have a runescape member pin for free please my email is

Runescape membership costs real money; it would be silly to give it for free to unknown people.

Can someone give you some really runescape account for free?

Yea, they could.

Can someone give you there runescape account?

No sorry, since it is against the jagex rules of play.

Can someone give you Fantage acounnt?

Well, someone else can give it to you! Im a member! Prezly!