



This category is for questions about the online role-playing game Runescape.

8,262 Questions

Where is 42 degrees 15 min north laitiude 60 degrees 35 min west longitude?

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Asked by Wiki User

42 degrees 15 minutes north latitude and 60 degrees 35 minutes west longitude is located in the Atlantic Ocean, east of Bermuda and south of Newfoundland. It is closer to North America than to Europe.

Why are events that only happen once difficult for scientist to analyze?

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Asked by Wiki User

Events that only happen once are difficult for scientists to analyze because they cannot be repeated to validate the observations. Without the ability to conduct experiments or gather additional data, it is challenging to draw firm conclusions or establish cause-and-effect relationships. Limited observation and lack of reproducibility hinder scientific investigation and make it harder to draw robust conclusions.

What is the fastest way to tone your arms and belly?

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Asked by Wiki User

To tone your arms and belly quickly, focus on a combination of strength training exercises for the arms (like bicep curls, tricep dips) and core (such as planks, crunches) along with cardiovascular exercise (like running, biking) to burn fat. Consistent workouts targeting these areas, along with a balanced diet, will help you see results faster.

Why do you control pests?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pest presence can cause widespread damage, so it’s important to keep pests under control. Pests are identified as any animal that has the ability to shelter, grow, breed and spread diseases

Pest infestations are unpleasant at best, putting you or your employees in potential danger of harm. They destroy both indoor and outdoor property.

This can be anything from eating your plants, leaving droppings behind or chewing through wood causing damage to buildings.

Pest infestations are difficult to keep under control if it is allowed to escalate into a serious problem.


What type of poultice can activated charcoal make?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Activated charcoal can be used to make a poultice for drawing toxins out of the skin. It is known for its adsorbent properties and is commonly used in poultices to help treat skin infections, insect bites, and other skin conditions. The activated charcoal poultice is made by mixing activated charcoal with a small amount of water to create a paste, which is then applied to the affected area and covered with a cloth or bandage.

When did iron ore mines in the U.S. close down?

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Asked by Wiki User

Iron ore mines in the U.S. have not completely closed down. Some have consolidated or scaled back production due to market conditions, environmental concerns, or depleted resources. The last major closure was the Empire Mine in Michigan in 2016.

What planet is RuneScape on?

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Asked by Wiki User

RuneScape is set in the fantasy world of Gielinor, which is not on a specific planet but is its own unique realm within the game's universe. It features various regions, cities, and landscapes for players to explore and interact with.

What is mortar and pestle made out of?

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Asked by Wiki User

A mortar and pestle is typically made out of ceramic, wood, stone, or metal. Each material has its own advantages and is chosen depending on the purpose of grinding and personal preference.

What are the advantages of mining in he amazon?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mining in the Amazon may provide economic benefits in terms of job creation and revenue generation for the government. It can also contribute to the global supply of minerals and metals. However, it can have negative impacts on the environment, including deforestation, water pollution, and disruption of ecosystems, which can have long-term consequences on biodiversity and local communities.

Who process topurify iron ore and produce steel?

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Asked by Wiki User

Iron ore is processed and converted into steel by steel mills. The process involves extracting iron from the ore through smelting and refining it to remove impurities. The molten iron is then cast into various shapes and cooled to form the final steel product.

What substances are mixed with a wedgewood mortar and pestle?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Wedgwood mortar and pestle are typically used for grinding and mixing dry substances, such as herbs, spices, and powders. It is not recommended to mix liquids or wet ingredients in a Wedgwood mortar and pestle as it could damage the ceramic material.

What is the coolest skiller outfit in runescape?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Infinity ethereal outfit is often considered one of the coolest skilling outfits in RuneScape due to its unique design and effects, such as providing unlimited teleports to the Runecrafting altars. Additionally, the Master Runecrafter's outfit is another popular choice for its sleek design and bonus experience benefits while training Runecrafting.

What is the difference between cm and dm?

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Asked by Wiki User

Centimeters (cm) and decimeters (dm) are both units of length in the metric system. One decimeter is equal to 10 centimeters, so 1 dm = 10 cm. Decimeters are larger than centimeters in terms of length measurement.

Where do you get an ags?

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Asked by Wiki User

An AGS (American Gem Society) credential is typically obtained by completing a course of study through the American Gem Society and passing their certification exam. This can be pursued by individuals looking to become certified gemologists or industry professionals specializing in gemstones.

What is the fastest way to get fishing to 99?

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Asked by Wiki User

The fastest way to get Fishing to level 99 is by using tick manipulation methods such as 3-tick fishing or 2-tick barbarian fishing. These methods involve dropping and picking up your fish bait to catch fish at a much faster rate compared to the traditional method. It's important to note that tick manipulation methods require practice and can be more click-intensive.

Where can you get a pestle and mortar?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can purchase a pestle and mortar at kitchenware stores, department stores, online retailers such as Amazon or specialty cooking stores. They are also commonly found in home goods sections of many supermarkets.

For the runescape clue scroll 09 degrees 33 minutes north 2 degrees 15 minutes east?

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Asked by Wiki User

This clue corresponds to a location in the game RuneScape. Players familiar with the game may use the coordinates 09 degrees 33 minutes north, 02 degrees 15 minutes east to locate a specific spot for a clue or quest objective.

Who is the strongest Barrows brother?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dharok the Wretched is considered the strongest Barrows brother due to his ability to deal massive melee damage the lower his health drops.

Where is the best place to mine iron?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some of the best places to mine iron ore are found in Australia, Brazil, and China, which are among the top iron ore producing countries in the world. These regions have large reserves of high-quality iron ore that can be economically extracted.

How often do Tzhaar-kets drop obsidian stuff rs?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tzhaar-kets have a very rare chance to drop obsidian equipment in RuneScape, such as the Obsidian helmet, sword, and maul. The drop rate is low, so it may take multiple kills to obtain these items. It's recommended to use a Ring of Wealth to increase the chance of receiving rare drops.

What do you do if on runescape in says that the ore is too impure?

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Asked by Wiki User

If the ore is too impure in RuneScape, you can use a ring of forging or the superheat item spell to increase the ore's purtiy. You can also use the Blast Furnace minigame to smelt ore more efficiently.

How can you get 99 ranged in RuneScape fastest?

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Asked by Wiki User

One way to quickly level up ranged in RuneScape is by using a cannon in multicombat areas, such as the TzHaar area in Karamja or the Stronghold Slayer Cave. Additionally, engaging in Slayer tasks that require ranged combat can also help you level up quickly. Lastly, participating in player vs. player combat (PvP) can yield fast ranged experience but carries higher risks.

What is the strongest bow in RuneScape?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you're a member, the strongest bow in RuneScape is the Dark Bow with a max hit of 48,48 (96), being one of the highest hitting items in the game. (Costs approx. 990k a little less than 1 mil.)

If you're a free member, the strongest bow you can use is a maple bow.

How do you resize a ring?

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Asked by Wiki User

To resize a ring, a jeweler can either make it smaller by cutting a piece out and soldering the ends together, or make it larger by adding a piece of metal. It is important to have the resizing done by a professional jeweler to ensure the ring maintains its structural integrity and does not get damaged.

What raw materials used in guns?

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Asked by Wiki User

Zinc, Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Magnesium, Brass, Polymers, Ceramics, Wood and Fiberglass have been the key ingredients to gunsmiths for many years. Many of these materials are blended to form extra strong alloys for greater durability and machining ability.