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It's possible but it will never be the same. They may still love you but once you hurt them like that,there will always be some hard feelings.

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Q: Can someone still love you if you left him for someone else in the past and then got back together?
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What do you do when you end a realitionship with someone you love and he still says he loves you?

I suppose it depends on why you broke up. If you still love one another, it seems like there is no reason you shouldn't get back together. If you broke up because you have feelings for someone else, it wouldn't be fair for you to get back together with him. If he hurt you, there's also no reason you should even consider getting back together with him.

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Answer If he is with someone else, that means he left you for her. Why in the world would you want him back, he's only going to do it to you again.

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No, you can not give credit that you have to someone else. You can loan someone money or your credit card, but you are still responsible for paying the credit card company back.

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Since you had broken up both of you were free to date or sleep with anyone each of you chose too and he did not sleep with someone else while he was going with you. This does not count as cheating. It is obvious he still loves you if you are back together again and if you do not trust or accept him now that you are back together again you may well ruin the relationship.

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You don't need to know if she is going out with someone else because its over between you guys and if you want to get back together then just ask her. If she says no, then they're a lot of fish in the sea and you could catch one.

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If you regret breaking off with someone, the best option is to try and get back together before He/She finds someone else..

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No. Johnny Depp is battling a divorce right now with someone else.

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No they are not. They spilt back in the middle of last year (2008). But they have both have clearly moved on. Bruna is rumored to be dating someone else in Nascar though, some mechanic. Chad was with someone else at the awards show, do not know if she was just his date or his new girlfriend.

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go out wit someone else

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Get back out into the dating world and find someone else, there are plenty of other fish in the sea as they say.

If we get back together does he still have to pay child support?

If it's owed to you, then no, unless you press for it. If it's owed to someone else, then he still owes it. While you don't technically owe it yourself, part of the package getting back with your ex is that he still owes it and it needs to be part of your household budget.