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Q: Can someone stop chewing with their mouth open?
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How do you stop iwan from chewing?

put your hand in his mouth and tajke the gum out

How do you stop chewing your tongue?

Chewing gum, Chew food slower, stay hydrated, put on lip balm, canker sore on your lip/ inside of ur mouth

If you needed to stop someone talking quickly but they wouldn't stop how would you cover their mouth to stop them quick?

kiss them

How do you stop chewing topacco?

stop moving your jaws... Or you could just eat that Nicoteen chewing gum.

What does it mean when someone gags you?

It means that someone is forcing something in/over your mouth to stop you from speaking/crying out.

How do you stop chewing nails?

If your a girl you will learn to stop.I did because boys don't like it when girls bite their nails.And they hate holding hands with her knowing it was just in her mouth.

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How do you stop dog from chewing door frame?

there is a special spray so the dog will stop chewing anything you spray the spray can get the spray at petsmart

How can you get your dad to quit chewing tobacco altogether?

Get him to visit his doctor, or alternatively, buy him nicotine patches. But basically chewing tobacco is the same as smoking and can lead to mouth cancers. However, I don't think he will stop unless he wants to, so perhaps best talk to him about how he feels.

Are you cranky when stop chewing tobacco?


How do you stop your son from chewing on your fingers?

There is a product called bitter apple that can be used to discourage chewing.

How do you stop a dog from chewing its legs?

cut them off.