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In the US, you may be eligible for unpaid Family and Medical Leave Act time off to care for a child with chickenpox. Ask your human resources department if FMLA applies to your employer.

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Someone who had shingles is immune to chickenpox. There would be no special risk if that person were healthy and were caring for a child with chickenpox.

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Q: Can someone that had shingles care for a child with chickenpox?
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If you are vaccinated against chickenpox can you still get shingles?

No, there is no reason to get chickenpox vaccine if you've had shingles. You should talk with your health care provider about shingles vaccine.

Can chickenpox vaccine prevent shingles by cryosurgery?

Those who have had chickenpox vaccine have a lower risk of shingles, but you can talk with your health care provider about getting shingles vaccine. I have no idea what cryosurgery has to do with shingles.

Is there a shingles titer?

You appear to be confused about the nature of shingles. A positive varicella titer shows that you have had chickenpox in the past, or that you have had the vaccine for chickenpox. You can't get shingles unless you've had chickenpox. If you have had chickenpox, a positive varicella titer is not protective against shingles, and you may need the vaccine. Discuss with your health care provider whether shingles vaccine makes sense for you.

Had chickenpox as a child but am now pregnant and have been around a child who has been exposed to chickenpox what do you do?

If you had chickenpox as a child, there is no special care required if you are pregnant and were exposed to chickenpox.

Can an adult infect a child with shingles working in a nursery?

Shingles is contagious only if someone has contact with wet shingles blisters or sores. If the infected skin can be covered, a person can work in any field, including health care or child care.

Can shingles be passed if you are caring for someone with shingles?

yes shingles virus can be passed to other. Chicken pox and shingle bears the same virus. And person taking care of shingle patient can get chicken pox and even people around the shingles person can have much chances of having chickenpox

Will shingles recur if you are exposed to chickenpox?

Current exposure to chickenpox does not increase the risk of shingles. A past history of chickenpox is the necessary condition for getting shingles. It's not something you catch from someone; it's reactivation of previous chickenpox infection.

What happens if a pregnant lady gets smallpox?

A person with shingles needs to take precautions around a pregnant woman without evidence of immunity to chicken pox. The pregnant woman should discuss the matter with her health care provider, who may have checked immunity at the preconception visit or a prenatal visit. Because typical shingles is communicable only by direct contact with lesions, even health care workers with typical shingles (not severe) are allowed to work as long as the sores can be covered.

Can a nurse without chickenpox exposure take care of a patient with active shingles?

A nurse without proper immunization is fooling herself.

Should a 50 year old that has never had chickenpox get the vaccine?

A fifty year old who does not recall a history of chickenpox should be vaccinated for chickenpox or for shingles. Contact your health care provider for advice specific to your situation. Some insurance companies will not pay for shingles vaccine until age 60; otherwise, that would normally be your first choice.

Is it dangerous for a baby to get chickenpox?

Typically it is not dangerous for a baby to get chickenpox if the baby is otherwise healthy. Incidentally, babies under the age of 12 months who get chickenpox are more likely to get shingles later in life. Talk to your health care provider for information specific to your situation.

Can you continue to take acyclovir if still have blisters from shingles?

You can take acyclovir after chickenpox appears. Ask your health care provider if you are not sure about the instructions for your prescription.