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No, they cannot legally sign. They are not considered to have the capacity to contract as a minor.

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Q: Can someone under the age of 18 sign a binding contract in Colorado?
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Can someone under the age of 18 sign a binding contract in North Carolina?

If they were an 'emancipated minor' yes. Otherwise, a contract signed by someone under the age of 18 (without a co-signer on the contract) would not be legally enforceable.

Can a minor put a house under a contract?

No. A minor cannot sign a binding contract.No. A minor cannot sign a binding contract.No. A minor cannot sign a binding contract.No. A minor cannot sign a binding contract.

Are the first contracts you sign binding?

I do not know what you mean by the term, "First Contracts". Did you sign more than one contract. A signed contract is binding unless you can prove you signed it under duress. I do not know the answer -- but a contract can have contingencies, and if those conditions are not met, the contract is null and void. Whether a contract with contingencies is called "binding" I'm not sure though.

What is a provision in a contract mandating that all disputes arising under the contract be settled by arbitration called?

The provision in a contract mandating that all disputes arising under the contract be settled by arbitration is called a binding arbitration clause.

What age can you get a pay monthly contract?

Under US laws, it is impossible for a person who is under the age of 18 "which has been established as the age of accountability" to enter into any type of binding financial agreement. Therefore you will need to be 18 or have a co-signer, someone who agrees to maintain the contract if your unable to or unwilling to.

What makes a contract enforeceable?

There is contract law. These are laws passed at the various levels of government which essentially regulate under what circumstances a contract is binding, when it is not, escape clauses, etc. Like most things, contracts require two willing parties and signatures from both to be binding. Signatures under duress or when one of the parties has misrepresented themselves are not considered binding though you'd probably have to go to court to prove those circumstances so you can be let out of the contract.

Can you buy a real estate property that has a sale pending?

No. A sale pending implies that the property is under a binding contract.

Can a person under age of 18 enter into a legal contract?

It depends upon where you live. but generally no, a person under 18 cannot enter into a legally binding contract without their parent or guardian's approval.

Can a landlord deny you an apartment based on your age?

Only if you are under the age of being able to sign a legally binding contract .

When working for someone who is under contract by the US Government who sets the wage scale the Government or the Employer under contract?

The employer.

When one person does not honor a binding agreement the other person has the right to sue under?

When one person does not honor a binding agreement, the other person has the right to sue under contract law. The party that breached the agreement may be held liable for damages if the court finds that they failed to fulfill their contractual obligations.

What is a indentured?

Technically an indentured servant serves someone under a contract. The contract may have a limited period of time after which the contract is null.