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No it cannot. It is either one or the other.

For constant velocity, acceleration must be 0, meaning there is no acceleration happening here.

If there is constant acceleration, then the velocity is constantly changing.

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Q: Can something have both a constant velocity and constant acceleration?
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Can something have an acceleration while moving at a constant velocity?

No. A object can have acceleration while moving at a constant speed (like the earth in its orbit around the sun). But once you use the word "velocity", you've expanded the decription of its motion to include the direction as well as the speed. The definition of acceleration is a change in either speed or direction, so if there is acceleration, then either the speed or the direction of the velocity (or both) is changing, so the velocity is not constant.

What is the expression for average acceleration?

Acceleration = Change in velocity divided by the change in time. This formula only works if velocity is constant. If velocity is not constant, find the acceleration for both points in time. Then add the two accelerations and divide by 2.

What is the difference between constant velocity and variable velocity?

Constant velocity has speed always constant along the direction with respect to time. Variable velocity changes its speed with respect to time. Constant velocity has zero acceleration. Variable velocity has non-zero acceleration . An object moving at a constant velocity maintains both the same speed and direction. An object moving at a variable velocity can be changing speed or direction of travel or both.

What is an example of something that undergoes acceleration while moving at a constant speed?

Acceleration is technically defined as a change in velocity. Velocity includes both speed and direction, so one could accelerate just by turning.

If there is a constant velocity of 30 ms. What is its acceleration?

Unless the object is changing its direction, it is not accelerating. Constant velocity implies that speed and direction are constant, and for acceleration to occur, either speed, direction, or both values must be changing.

What is the formula for acceleration?

a=dv/dt. By definition, acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. In mathematical notation, it is given as the formula stated above. Two special cases: 1. When acceleration is constant: The rate of change is a constant. Therefore, it can be calculated by: a=(vf - vi) / t where a is acceleration vf is final velocity vi is initial velocity and t is time taken 2. When velocity is constant: Velocity is not changing. The rate of change of velocity is zero. Acceleration has to be zero. * * * * * Note that velocity and acceleration are both VECTORS. Therefore, an object going round in a circle, at CONSTANT speed, has velocity and acceleration that are changing all the time - because the direction of motion is changing.

Can a direction of velocity of an object reverse at constant acceleration?

Sure. A pendulum and a park swing both have constant acceleration due to gravity, and the direction of their velocity changes over and over again until they're stopped.

What is the acceleration of an object that moves at a constant velocity and what is the net force on the object?

Both are definitely zero

Can an object have a constant speed and the varying velocity at the same time explain?

Velocity is a vector. A vector has a magnitude and a direction. The scalar or magnitude portion of velocity is speed. Velocity is a constant only when both the speed and direction are not varying. Hence, when the speed is changing, the velocity cannot be a constant.

What do you call it when an objects velocity changes?

A change in an objects velocity is called acceleration. Velocity is defined as an objects speed of travel AND its direction of travel. Acceleration can change only an objects speed, only its direction or both. If there is no acceleration acting on the object, then the velocity remains constant.

What is the difference between an object with constant acceleration and an object with constant speed?

Constant speed means that the speed doesn't change.Constant acceleration means that the acceleration doesn't change. The velocity WILL change in this case - unless the acceleration happens to be zero. So will the speed - note that in circular motion, both the acceleration and the velocity change all the time, even if the speed doesn't change.

Is velocity the same as acceleration?

Both are vectors. But acceleration and velocity have different dimensions. Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity.