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Q: Can sperm go travel through skin to vagina?
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Can sperm travel through human skin?

In a controlled environment it will be okay for 4-6 hours. In the vagina sperm can live for 5 days. No sperm does not die immediately after touching skin.

Can you fall pregnant if sperm is on your stomach?

No, your fallopian tubes are on the inside, not the outside.No sperm has to enter vagina and travel up to fallopian tube where egg waiting for sperm

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Can a woman get pregnant from sprem on her back?

Yes and no. Sometimes if the girls skin is thin enough the sperm will squeeze through it and eventually make to the vagina. You should know if she's pregnant in the next few days.

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they travel through virtually anything. for example electromagnetic waves travel through our skin, our hair, anything.

Can a girl get sexual diseases if the guy uses a condom?

yes............condom can only protect you from diseases which travel through sperm like AIDS...............however it cant protect u from disease that spread through skin contact like herpes etc

Can you get pregnant from sperm spilling on your body or by lying on a wet patch?

No the sperm has to get all the way inside your reproductive system it will not eat its way through your skin.

Can you get ink poisoning in your vagina using a rose art marker?

Yes the marker wills till leak through the skin causing the irration of the skin

Do you swallow sperm?

Absolutely IMPOSSIBLE. The only possible way would be through the vagina. Even the butt-hole you can't get pregnant from. =]

Can pre-sperm survive on your skin?

The seminal fluid you call "pre sperm" has no living matter, sperm cells will survive for a short while on skin.

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How do you apply man sperm on our face for glowing skin?

You don't. Applying sperm to the face does not result in glowing skin.