

Can stars near the North Pole be seen from Indiana?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Yes, easily, on any clear night.

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Q: Can stars near the North Pole be seen from Indiana?
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How stars move in the north near North Pole?

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In the northern hemisphere, we have a moderately bright star called 'Polaris' or the 'North Star' ... that happens to be located near the north pole of the sky, and the stars appear to revolve around it once a day. The stars appear to do the same in the southern hemisphere. But it's a little less obvious, because there's no particularly bright star near the south pole of the sky.

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The north celestial pole is a certain point in the sky, near a star called Polaris, around which all the stars appear to rotate. It's the point in the sky that's directly over your head when you stand at the Earth's north pole.

Is the North Pole really a magnet?

Not exactly. The magnetic North Pole is near to the true North Pole but not exactly the same point.

How do the stars appear to move near Polaris?

Polaris traces out a circle with a diameter of 1.5 degrees above the North Pole. Other nearby stars trace out larger circles.

At or near the north pole?
