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Q: Can static electricity happen by rubbing two balloons together?
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What would happen if you put two charged balloons together?

They Repel.

How did the 2011 christchurch earthquake happen?

it happened from the tectonic plates rubbing together

How electricity happen?

(Surface) Electrons are moved from one object to another, usually by rubbing. Note that the objects are non-conductors.

What would happen if you put two positively charged balloons together?

You then have two balloons in very nearly the same place.

Why did the chilian earthquake happen?

because the plates were rubbing together and the tension stored caused the earthquake so its all to do with plate tectonics

Why was the earthquake occurs in different country?

because it can happen anywhere. especially near fault lines. all it is, is the earths plates rubbing together

What will happen when two balloons are brought together right after they are rubbed on a piece of wool?

When you rub one balloon with wool, and then rub another balloon with wool, we can safely assume that both balloons acquire the same kind of charge. So when you try to bring them together, they'll repel each other (push apart).

What will happen if there's no electricity?

we have no light! when electricity is not discovered!

What will happen to those balloons if you take them outside on a cold day?

When you cool a gas at a constant presure, the volume of the gas decreases. Therefore, the balloons will slightly shrink.

Does Indonesia have earthquakes?

Indonesia is located near the borders of the Eurasian and Indo-Australian Tectonic Plate zones. Subduction will happen from the plates rubbing together causing earthquakes in Indonesia

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explain why?

What would happen if there was no electricity in Singapore?

The same as would happen in any other country: you could not use any electricity!