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The person charged can agree to waive the statute of limitations. No good attorney would allow that to happen in a criminal case. But in some civil cases it may be a matter of morals.

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Q: Can statute of limitations be waived?
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Who can waive statute of limitations in NYS?

The accused is the only one that can 'waive' a statute of limitations. Confessing to a crime is normally taken as such a waiver. And the limits can be waived for such reasons as the victim's age, or the residency of the accused.

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Yes, it can even if the applicable statute of limitations on the claim has expired. A court will not refuse to accept a complaint for action just because the statute of limitations has expired. Nothing in any court rule forbids a plaintiff from filing an action that is beyond the statute of limitations. In fact, court rules require that a defendant must make an affirmative statement in the answering pleading that the claim is barred by the statute of limitations or that defense will be waived and the action may proceed even though the statute of limitations has expired. Once the statute of limitations has been raised as an affirmative defense, the plaintiff is required to prove that the SOL should not bar its claim.

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