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Q: Can steroids cause water infections in men?
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Can nephritis in men cause vaginal bacterial infections in women?

Nephritis in men will not cause bacterial vaginosis in women. The two conditions are unrelated.

What are the effects of steroids on men?

Small nuts! Yes but Excessive use can cause a harmful imbalance in the body's normal hormonal balance and body chemistry. Heart attacks, water retention leading to high blood pressure and stroke, and liver and kidney tumors all are possible.

Does weight training increase aggressiveness?

Weight training does not cause aggressiveness, however many weight lifters who are unsatisfied with the results end up turning to steroids. Steroids CAN cause aggressiveness, health problems and even sexual disfunction. However the men who use steroids will deny that.

What are interesting facts about steroids?

Anabolic steroids can be authorized for use for delayed puberty, AIDs, or cancer. Side effects are: mood swings, manic behavior, insomnia, and irritability. Steroids can cause men to lose their hair and their fertility. Steroids can also cause stunted growth, kidney failure, and liver failure. They typically cause depression and lack of a physical drive. Steroids are highly addictive.

Do transsexuals get yeast infections?

They can. Both men and women get yeast infections.

When is gynecomastia not appropriate?

Excessive alcohol intake, marijuana use, or using anabolic steroids may cause gynecomastia. Surgery is not recommended for men who continue to use these products.

Are horses given steroids?

There are horse steroids that men and women take. These are not recommended and should be consulted by a physician.

Diabetic Shoes: Men?

Diabetes can cause a lot of problems to the feet and legs, including infections and swelling. Diabetic shoes for men and women are available to help prevent these complications. The shoes provide support and protection.

What is a good title for an essay about steroids?

Popular with athletes, steroids cause what most teenagers would be outcasted for, including shrinking testicles, development of breasts, and generally taking on an overall female appearance for men. Females have the opposite affect of steroids, in which they will begin looking more manly. While there are several different types of steroids, this is the most common (idk the name for it), and these are all great for helping the body rid itself of diseases. With this type of steroids having the side affects it does however, why would people risk so much just to turn there body into a machine?

Can men take flagyl pills?

Yes, men can take flagyl for susceptible infections.

How do steroids effect muscular system and skeletal system in men?

you get small balls when you use them :)