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Nobody knows exactly what causes it, but stress probably doesn't. It can make the symptoms worse, however.

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Q: Can stress cause alzheimers disease
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There is no cure for Alzheimers

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No. It's how the stress can manifest that might cause problems.

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No, probably not.

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There is no cure for this disease.

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definetly not and if any1 tells you it does and they did an experiment on it tell them that the containers which they held the brains with alzheimers disease were contaminated with alluminium

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What happens when you don't treat Alzheimers disease

Where can i get more information about Alzheimers disease?

You can check out the Alzheimers Association for information or talk with your Grandmothers doctor. Alzheimers Association would have a check list of questions that you can use to talk with her doctor.