

Can stress cause your period to come four days late?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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Yes it can. Four days is not very much.

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Q: Can stress cause your period to come four days late?
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I am five days late with my period but i am not pregnant. What could cause this?

stress can cause your period not to come on so my advice is to see a physician

What could be wrong if your period is 6 days late and you have always had protected sex?

Stress and hormonal imbalances can cause your period to come late.

What if your period was supposed to come on the 16th and it hasn't come yet?

It most likely will come. Periods don't have clocks attached and many things can cause a period to be late several days. If you have been sick or under stress this can cause a late period. It will happen.

What could cause my period to be 12 days late and then last for 13 days once I actually get it?

Your period could have come late because you may have ovulated later. A menstrual cycle can be affected by stress alone.

Is it possible to get your period after 20 days when you normally get them after 28 days and what the cause?

Yes, it is possible to get your period after 20 days when you normally get then after 28 days. The cause of your period coming early could be related to stress, certain medications, hormonal changes or a health condition.

What could be wrong if you are six days late for your menstrual period which normally occurs on a regular basis?

Stress among other factors can cause you period to come late. If you've had unprotected sex you could be pregnant.

Can stress cause your menstrual cycle to start early?

If you mean start early as in--the first time you've ever had a period, not that I know of. If I'm not mistaken, early onset menstruation is hormone related. Could be genetics as well.If you mean start early as in--your period came at eg: 22 days instead of the usual 28 days, then yes. Stress can also make your period come late (like 32 days or so) or not have it that month at all.

You are 2 days past your due period but the pregnancy test is negative?

Most likely the cause is then stress. Lots of women can be late for periods due to lots of stress in their daily lives.

Period is four days late then you have a dark coloured discharge for two days followed by a really light flow period dark in colour just a late period or something else no stress or anything to cause?

You might be pregnant - take a test

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Why am I cramping but my period hasn't begun I normally only cramp on the first day of my period what is up?

I sometimes get really bad cramps two days before my period. It has happen to me a few times. Don't stress it should come. Give it a couple of days